October 26, 2023 Special Announcements No. 1409

The MEMRI Weekly: October 20-27, 2023

October 26, 2023
Special Announcements No. 1409

The following are links to reports from MEMRI's Special Dispatch Series and Inquiry and Analysis Series, as well as to transcripts from the MEMRI TV Project, released during the past week.


Special Dispatch No. 10913 – Michigan Imam Usama Abdulghani: If The Zionist Soldiers Of The Devil Enter Gaza It Will Be Like Walking Into A Buzz Saw, Putting Their Hands In A Blender; What Will Happen When The Resistance From Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Hizbullah's Radhwan Force, The IRGC Join? There Are No Gay Rights, October 27, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10912 – Iranian Journalist Ali-Akbar Abdolalizadeh: One Of The Greatest Genocides In History Is The Massacring Of Iranians By Esther; Jews Were Responsible For Massacring Native Americans, Blacks, And Irish; The Holocaust – A Big Lie, October 27, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10911 – Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh: Gaza Bombing Is A New Holocaust; We Need The Blood Of Women, Children, And The Elderly Of Gaza – So It Awakens Our Revolutionary Spirit, October 27, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10910 – Qatari Media Compare Israel To Nazis, Netanyahu To Hitler, Gaza To Auschwitz, October 27, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10909 – Qatari Press Attacks U.S., West For Their Support Of Israel: They Are Complicit In Its Crimes And Pose A Threat To Democracy And Morality; The U.S. Itself Won Its Independence By Means Of Terror, October 26, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10908 – Hamas Documents Captured By Israel And Released By IDF Spokesman's Office Instruct Operatives To Kill And Take Hostage As Many Israeli Civilians As Possible, As Well As Soldiers, Take Over Kibbutzim And Communities Near Gaza Border, Search Schools And Youth Center, October 26, 2023

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 535 – Hamas Attack Against Israel Benefits Putin's War In Ukraine , October 24, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10907 – At Colorado Muslims Community Center In Aurora, Imam Teaches Children: The Jews 'Lie And Break Their Covenant' – 'Should You Trust These People Today?'; Allah Turned Jewish Fishermen Into Monkeys; They Killed Their Prophets, Tried To Kill Jesus, And 'Keep Tricking Us To Trust Them'; The Israelis Are 'Comparing Our [Palestinian] Brothers And Sisters [Who Are] Being Murdered To Nazis'; 'It's Not Hate Speech For You To Be Aware Of These Things', October 25, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10906 – Chinese Social Media Article: 'Thank You, Israel! Over The Years, I've Been The One To Yell At You... But Today, I Want To Say To You: "I'm Sorry, Israel!"', October 25, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10905 – Senior Saudi Journalist Tariq Al-Homayed In Message To Yahyah Sinwar: 'Would You Leave Gaza To Prevent Further Bloodshed[?]', October 25, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10904 – For Hamas Leadership, Beheading Is A Recommended Practice, October 25, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10903 – German-Egyptian Intellectual Hamed Abdel-Samad: The Days Of Shari'a Are Gone; Political Islam Takes Advantage Of Western Freedom And Tolerance, Wants To Destroy The West Like It Destroyed The Arab Countries, October 25, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10902 – Against Backdrop Of Israel-Hamas War, Pro-Al-Qaeda Media Outlet Claims Responsibility For Large 'Electronic Warfare' Attack Against Airports, Jewish Institutions In Europe, October 24, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10901 – Article In Saudi Daily: The Hamas Attack Was A Suicide Operation Against Innocent Women And Children, Aimed At Thwarting The Plans For Regional Peace And Development , October 24, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10900 – The Writing Was On The Wall: MEMRI Reports From Recent Years Indicating Intention, Preparations By Hamas, PIJ For Large-Scale Attack On Israel , October 24, 2023

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 534 – Apocalypse Two: The Wars In 2006 And 2023, October 23, 2023

Inquiry Analysis No. 1721 – How Hamas, Along With Other Gaza Jihadi Organizations, Raised Over $100 Million In Cryptocurrency To Fund Their Jihad Against Israel – From 2019 To Today, October 23, 2023

Inquiry Analysis No. 1720 – Iran Prepares Military Deterrence Against Europe And The U.S; The Biden Administration And European Governments Must Implement The Snapback Option Of Their Sanctions On Iran – Out Of An Understanding That The Hamas/Iran War On Israel Is Also Against Them, October 23, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10899 – The Ideology Of Hamas – In Its Own Words , October 23, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10898 – Egyptian Journalist Ibrahim Eissa: Hamas Considers The Lives Of Palestinians Cheap, It Does Not Care How Many Palestinians Die; They Built Tunnels To Shelter Their Weapons, Instead Of Women And Children , October 23, 2023

MEMRI Daily Brief No. 530 – The War After The Hamas War , October 10, 2023

Special Dispatch No. 10897 – The Hamas Charter – The Ideology Behind The Massacre , October 23, 2023


MEMRI TV Clip No. 10573 – Michigan Imam Usama Abdulghani: If The Zionist Soldiers Of The Devil Enter Gaza It Will Be Like Walking Into A Buzz Saw, Putting Their Hands In A Blender; What Will Happen When The Resistance From Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Hizbullah's Radhwan Force, The IRGC Join? There Are No Gay Rights, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10572 – Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh: Gaza Bombing Is A New Holocaust; We Need The Blood Of Women, Children, And The Elderly Of Gaza – So It Awakens Our Revolutionary Spirit, Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10571 – Iranian Journalist Ali-Akbar Abdolalizadeh: One Of The Greatest Genocides In History Is The Massacring Of Iranians By Esther; Jews Were Responsible For Massacring Native Americans, Blacks, And Irish; The Holocaust – A Big Lie, The Internet           

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10570 – Russia Rehearses Carrying Out Massive Nuclear Strike, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10569 - Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: America Is Orchestrating What Is Happening In Gaza; It Is Complicit In All The Crimes; Its Arms Are Soaked To The Elbow In The Blood Of The Oppressed, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10568 – Iran-Affiliated Mayadeen Network Posts AI-Generated Music Video Threatening The U.S. And Israel: 'We Are Waiting For You; We Will Make Your Crazy People More Insane'; Video Ends With Jews Fleeing Israel In Ships Following Missile Attack, Mayadeen TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10567 – Hachem Safieddine, Head Of Hizbullah’s Executive Council: We Warn Israel, America, The Despicable Europeans – You Already Came To Lebanon Once And We Forced You To Flee Like Mice, Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10566 – At Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque In Virginia, Which Is Tied To Slain American Al-Qaeda Leader Anwar Al-Alwaki And Two 9/11 Hijackers, Imam Farhan Siddiqi Says: Reports That Hamas Beheaded Babies, Raped Women 'Are All Lies', The Internet           

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10565 – Colorado Imam Teaches Children At Mosque: Jews Cannot Be Trusted; Allah Turned Jewish Fishermen Into Monkeys; The Jews Killed Their Prophets, Tried To Kill Jesus

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10564 - Former Grand Mufti of Egypt Shekh Ali Gomaa: The Zionist Entity Has Grown Old, the Time for Its Demise Has Come, Channel 1 (Egypt)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10563 - Turkey-Based Hamas Official Talal Nassar: Hamas Captured Israeli Women Because They Were Fighting Or Were Injured And Needed Treatment, Al-Shoub TV (Turkey)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10562 – Terror Tips: Hamas's Student Arm – The Islamic Bloc – Demonstrates How To Carry Out Vehicular Shooting Attacks, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10561 – Chinese TV Show Host Su Lin: The Israeli Embassy Posted a Photo of Jewish Prisoners in a Nazi Concentration Camp Warning Hamas Not to Repeat History - Clearly Indicating that Israel Is Now Like the Nazis

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10560 – London-Based Iraqi Shi'ite Scholar Sheikh Amir Al-Quraishi Criticizes The Palestinians For Their Reaction To Hamas's Attack On Israel: Only Idiots Would Be Happy Without Realizing That They Themselves Will Pay The Price

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10559 – Chinese Pundit: China Cannot Condemn Hamas And Support Israel So Long As Israel Recognizes Taiwan, Criticizes Chinese Treatment Of Uyghurs; Dismisses Concern For Chinese-Israeli 'Mixed-Race Girl' Taken Hostage By Hamas, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10558 - German-Egyptian Intellectual Hamed Abdel-Samad: The Days Of Shari'a Are Gone; Political Islam Takes Advantage Of Western Freedom And Tolerance, Wants To Destroy The West Like It Destroyed The Arab Countries, Sky News Arabia (UAE)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10557 - Palestinian Ambassador To Algeria Fayez Abuaita: The World Has A Headache From The Jews' 'Historical Victimhood'; What They Are Doing Today Is Worse Than What Was Done To Them In Europe, Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10556 – Iranian West Asia Expert Dr. Mohammad Shahedi: 'There Are No Civilians In Israel — It Is A Military-Oriented Colonial Regime, In Which Everyone Has To Serve In The Army', Channel 1 (Iran)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10555 – Iran-Backed Iraqi Shi'ite Militia 'Sayyed Al-Shuhadaa' Simulates Attack On U.S. Military Base, Troops, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10554 – Lebanese MP Ihab Matar: If Israel Invades Gaza That Will Be A Declaration Of War Against Lebanon, MTV (Lebanon)            

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10553 – Iranian TV Airs Video Portraying Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu As Hitler, States: 'The Holocaust Is True, But Not Against The Jews — By The Jews', Channel 1 (Iran)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10552 – Hamas’s Military Wing Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades Showcases Rotary-Wing Drone, Simulates Attack On Israeli Tank, The Internet

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10551 – Egyptian Journalist Ibrahim Eissa: Hamas Considers The Lives Of Palestinians Cheap, It Does Not Care How Many Palestinians Die; They Built Tunnels To Shelter Their Weapons, Instead Of Women And Children, Al-Kahera Wal-Nas TV (Egypt)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10550 – Turkey-Based Hamas Official Talal Nassar: Mahmoud Abbas Is Dead To Us, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10500 – Hamas Military Commander Mohammed Deif Announces Launch Of Operation Al-Aqsa Deluge, Calls On Palestinians In West Bank, Jerusalem, And Israel Proper To Attacks With Guns, Knives, Vehicles, Al-Shoub TV (Turkey)

MEMRI TV Clip No. 10549 – Suleyman Sezen, Turkish Politician From Erdoğan's Party: May God Bestow Mercy Upon Hitler; Once The World Is Purified Of The Jews, There Will Be Peace, The Internet

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