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May 03, 2024
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Texas Islamic Scholar And Ethicist Waleed Basyouni: Killing The Children In Gaza Must Stop! Killing Children Directly, Using Them As Human Shields, Recruiting Them As Child Soldiers – Are All Forbidden By Islam

#11120 | 02:48
Source: Online Platforms - "Clear Lake Islamic Center on YouTube"

Texas Islamic scholar and ethicist Waleed Basyouni stressed in his May 3, 2024, Friday sermon which was streamed live on the YouTube channel of the Clear Lake Islamic Center that Islam forbids the killing of children. He said that it is forbidden to kill children, whether it is directly, by considering them as collateral damage, or by using them as human shields or recruiting them as child soldiers. Basyouni said that the degree of accountability and sin varies by how directly responsible one was for the death of the children. He said that President Biden, members of Congress, senators, and the public who voted them in are all responsible for supplying weapons to Israel that caused the death of the children in Gaza. Basyouni condemned people who justify the killing of children in Gaza by saying that they are casualties of war. He called on his audience not to vote for Senator Ted Cruz, because he criticized President Biden for stopping arms shipments to Israel. Waleed Basyouni is the president of AlMaghrib Institute, the imam of the Clear Lake Islamic Center, the director of Texas Da‘wah Convention, and a member of the American Muslim Jurists Association (AMJA).

Waleed Basyouni: "Killing children is prohibited. Nothing can justify killing children. Using them as a human shield or collateral damage – this nonsense should stop.


"Each one will be held accountable according their degree [of responsibility] and according to their participation [in the killing of children]. No doubt the one who directly kills them [bears] responsibility, but those who supplied them with weapons and bombs are also responsible for that, starting from the President, Congress, the senators, to the people who voted for that decision to be made – all are responsible for it. Also responsible for the killing of these kids everywhere are those who recruit kids to be soldiers and give them weapons.

"Also those who launch rocket attacks against their enemy from a civilian area, where they are living, knowing that this will cause damage to the civilians – are also responsible for the killing of these children. Everyone based on their level. That nonsense of not caring for the lives of children has to stop.

"Those in the media who justify the killing of children [in Gaza], [by saying] that they are casualties of war and this is what war looks like, those who say now: "If I had been elected..." Just because we stopped a shipment of what? 5% of the bombs we are sending to Israel? The President blocked 30,000 out of hundreds of thousands of bombs, and he's making a political stunt out of it, even this, some people are coming... like our senator, Ted Cruz and others – he doesn't deserve a single vote from you – saying that this is for the security of Israel, blah, blah, blah – those people are also responsible for killing these innocent people."

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