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Lantos Antisemitism Project Clips
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Luton, U.K. Imam Badee-Uzzamaan Prays: Oh Allah, Liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque From The Filth Of The Jews
South African Imam Riyadh Walls In Cape Town Friday Sermon: Khaybar, Khaybar, Oh Jews, The Army Of Muhammad Is Returning!
About the Archives
The mission of this project is to expose anti-Semitism in the Arab and Muslim world, which is the main catalyst for anti-Semitic incidents throughout Europe in recent years. MEMRI’s objective is to bring this issue front and center, to present evidence so legal countermeasures can be taken, and to inform policy makers in order to provide the informational infrastructure for policies, strategies and legislative initiatives to counter anti-Semitism. It will also seek to enhance academic research of anti-Semitism. This project maintains the largest archives in the world of anti-Semitic content from the past two decades.