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Feb 15, 2011
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Former Egyptian Opposition MP Abu Al-'Izz Al-Hariri: Mubarak Deposited Plutonium Worth Over 19 Billion Dollars in Switzerland in His First Year in Office

#2820 | 01:27
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Following are excerpts from a TV show featuring Abu Al-'Izz Al-Hariri, a former Egyptian opposition MP, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on February 15, 2011:

Abu Al-'Izz Al-Hariri: We don't care about American or Israeli pressure. Following January 25, Egypt is no longer subservient to the Americans or the Israelis. All the people outside Egypt must conform to the demands of the Egyptian people, or consider themselves its enemies. We no longer need the US. As for the aid they were sending us – any petty thief used to take three, four, or five times as much. I have with me today a statement from a source who is still with us. He is prepared to file a complaint, and he has documents showing that in 1982, Mubarak deposited 19,400 kg plutonium in Switzerland under his name.

Host: 19, 000?

Abu Al-'Izz Al-Hariri: That's right. That's over 19 billion dollars in his first year in office. It could have been deposited in the name of Al-Sadat, serving as a gold reserve for Egypt, but it was deposited under Hosni Mubarak's personal name.

Host: It is in Switzerland to this day?

Abu Al-'Izz Al-Hariri: Yes.

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