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Jul 18, 2022
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In Arabic Version Of Viral Farsi-Language Song 'Peace Upon You, Oh Mahdi,' Children Pledge To Be Resistance Fighters, Sacrifice Mother And Father, Follow The Path Of Khomeini And Khamenei

#10868 | 04:23
Source: Online Platforms - "Falak on YouTube"

In an Arabic version of the viral Farsi- language song "Salute Commander," titled "Peace Be Upon You, Oh Mahdi," posted on Falak Media on YouTube on July 18, 2022, children pledged to follow the path of Iranian Supreme Leaders Khomeini and Khamenei. In outfits resembling shrouds, the children sing: "I will sacrifice my eyes for you, oh you who dwell in my soul […] I will sacrifice my father and mother for you." They continue to sing: "We pledge […] to fight the tyrants […] to remain resistance fighters."

Song lyrics: "Oh, Hidden Imam! There is no good in life without your love. I will sacrifice my eyes for you, oh you who dwell in my soul, can I see you? There is no good in life without your love. I will sacrifice my eyes for you, oh you who dwell in my soul, can I see you?

"Peace be upon you, oh Mahdi, oh our true promise, the one who is true to his promise. Peace be upon you, oh Mahdi. By Allah, we pledge to follow the path of Rubollah [Khomeini]. Peace be upon you, oh Mahdi. Oh, Hidden Imam! I heed your call, oh Mahdi.

"I will sacrifice my father and mother you. When will you shine upon us? When will we see you, oh beloved one? Salute, commander! Salut, from the brave generation that has been left behind. Salute, commander! Seyyed Ali [Khamenei] is calling on his children, his soldiers, who were born in the 2010s.

"Salute, commander! We pledge to you, oh ship of salvation, to fight the tyrants, oh Hidden Imam! We are the soldiers of the Leader, oh, you are our life. We pledge to remain resistance fighters and to keep awaiting you. We pledge to remain loyal to the blood of the martyrs and to the sun of Khamenei. We are loyal to you, oh Mahdi."

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