A video disseminated on YouTube prior to the June 10 Qods Day march in London advises demonstrators how to take advantage of a loophole in the law permitting the flying of the Hizbullah flag, as only the military wing of Hizbullah – and not its political arm – is defined as a terror organization. The video advises protesters to carry a sticker alongside the flag, stating that "this flag is to show my support for the political wing of Hizbullah." It tells them to avoid engaging with "Zionists or counter-demonstrators" and to point to the sticker if asked questions by journalists, and gives instructions on how to act if approached by a police officer. The video was posted on YouTube on June 7 by the Islamic Human Rights Commission.
Narrator: "Zionists, their neo-Nazi and Islamophobic allies are targeting Al-Quds day. Their latest strategy is to try to shut down freedom of expression and use that to try and shut down Al-Quds day. They are targeting participants who choose to hold Hizbullah flags. Please note: police and lawyers have advised that while flying the Hizbullah flag is not illegal by itself, waving the flag alongside words and actions showing support for the military wing of Hizbullah, the proscribed arm of the group, is an offence."
On screen: "Anti-Semitism isn't the problem, anti-Israel, anti-Zionism is."
Narrator: "Zionist agitators have figured this out."
Man: "What are you protesting? Are you a fan of Hizbullah? The military wing as well?"
Narrator: "They are training and preparing to trick Al-Quds attendees into incriminating themselves so that they can have individuals arrested and prosecuted. Be aware. Stay vigilant. Be clear. Participants are welcome to bring flags that show solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Flags displayed to show support for an illegal organization will not be allowed. For example: You can bring a Hizbullah flag to show support for the political wing of Hizbullah, this is because the political wing of Hizbullah is not a proscribed organization. If you do carry a Hizbullah flag, please make sure you put a sticker stating: 'This flag is to show my support for the political wing of Hizbullah.' If you are approached by Zionist or counter-demonstrators and they ask you if you support any proscribed organization including the military wing of Hizbullah, do not answer. Walk away and ask one of the stewards to remove them from the event.
"Do not engage with any questions asked by the Zionists or counter-demonstrators however innocent or simple they may seem. Do not answer journalist questions about this, you can direct them to a steward instead. If a police officer approaches you remain calm and polite, if they ask you about your flag you can point to the sticker. If they continue to ask questions: Ask the officer if you are being detained or if you are legally required to respond to his questions. If the officer says no: Tell the officer you do not wish to discuss with them further and would like to go about your lawful business. If the officer says yes: Ask them what law they are questioning or detaining you under, decline to answer any questions without a lawyer present. Flags flown to show support for a proscribed organization will not be allowed. If organizers see this happening, the flag will be taken down, and the individuals asked to leave the march."
On screen: "Al-Quds Day Sunday 10th June 2018 gathering at 3PM outside Saudi Embassy Curzon Street W1J7US organized by the Al-Quds Day Committee."