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Aug 23, 2010
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Syrian Kurdish Political Activist Dr. Alan Othman: The Ba'th Party in Syria and Iraq Is the "Spitting Image of the German Nazi Organization"

#2640 | 01:28
Source: Barada TV (Syrian Opposition in Europe)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Syrian Kurdish political activist Dr. Alan Othman, which aired on Barada TV on August 23, 2010.

Dr. Alan Othman: The structure of the Ba'th Party is Nazi by nature. When you compare the Ba'th Party to the Nazi party of Adolf Hitler, you see the Ba'th youth, the military squads, the party institutions, and so on – they are the spitting image of the German Nazi organization. I could call [the Ba'th] in Syria and Iraq the new Nazi organization.

These people hate everything – even the Arabs themselves. Believe me, they peddle in pan-Arabism. The Ba'thists are the sworn enemies of pan-Arabism. History has proven... go to Iraq, and see what they did.


These people teach the new Arab generations to hate the other. It has gotten to the point where they prohibit teaching or writing in Kurdish. Why, brother? In what way do you benefit from this?


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