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Feb 05, 2014
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Syrian-Egyptian Actress Raghda Supports Al-Assad and Al-Sisi

#4152 | 01:37
Source: Sada Al-Balad (Egypt)

In a recent TV interview, Syrian-born Egyptian actress Raghda said that she would continue to stand by her "steadfast" president, Bashar Al-Assad. With regard to Egypt, she told the Sada Al-Balad TV interviewer that she believed Al-Sisi should be appointed president without having to run in the elections.

Following are excerpts from the interview with Syrian-Egyptian actress Raghda, which aired on February 5, 2014:

Raghda: Yes, I will stand by my president [Al-Assad] and my country forever and ever. I have said this before, and I continue to believe this. Who would you like me to support? [Ariel] Sharon?!


The world in its entirety has turned against my president. It's an earthquake. 183 countries are waging a world war against him, yet he remains steadfast.

Interviewer: Correct.

Raghda: True, there are casualties. In every war, there are casualties. It is a world war. When I see the president of my country standing along... True, Russia and China support him, but if not for his capabilities and the support of his people – not all the people, because this is, after all, a democracy, but most of them... Most of the people support the president, as does the Syrian Arab Army.


If it were not for Al-Assad's steadfastness, and the steadfastness and support of his people and army, the Russians would have sold him out long ago.

Interviewer: Of course.


Raghda: I have decided to join the "People's Choice" campaign, which calls to appoint Al-Sisi as president, rather than have him run for the office. If you ask me why – I'll tell you. Al-Sisi has already been appointed by the people.


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