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Jun 12, 2023
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Jordanian MP Khalil Atieh Invites Arab Parliament To Recite The Fatiha Verse For The Soul Of The 'Martyred' Egyptian Policeman Who Recently Killed Three Israeli Soldiers

#10337 | 01:19
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Jordanian MP Khalil Atieh recently called on members of the Arab Parliament to recite the Fatiha verse of the Quran for the soul of Mohamed Salah, the "martyred" Egyptian policeman who recently killed three Israeli soldiers on the border between Israel and Egypt. Atieh also saluted "Egypt and its martyr Mohamed Salah." In an interview with Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) that aired on June 12, 2023, Atieh explained that this was done "in revenge for what the Zionists are doing to our people in Palestine... It is perfectly clear that he was defending Palestine."

Khalil Atieh: "I salute Egypt and its martyr Mohamed Salah. I invite this honorable parliament to stand up and recite the Fatiha verse of the Quran for the souls of the martyrs of the Arab and Islamic nation, who have been martyred for the sake of Palestine. I would like to especially mention the heroic martyr Mohamed Salah. I ask you to stand up and recite the Fatiha for his pure soul.


"I believe that what he did was in revenge for what the Zionists are doing to our people in Palestine. We have all heard the report about how he killed one, and then moved towards the border and killed others. It is perfectly clear that he was defending Palestine, and this is why we recited the Fatiha for his pure soul."

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