Malaysia-based Algerian Islamic scholar Sheikh Zoubir Bouchikhi, who had been the imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston until he was deported from the United States in 2011 for immigration-related charges, taught a women's class at Riyad Al-Jannah, the mosque in Malaysia where he is currently the imam. The video was uploaded to Riyad Al-Jannah's YouTube channel on March 20, 2020.
During the class, Sheikh Bouchikhi said that Muslims should not try to hide aspects of the Prophet Muhammad's life, like the fact that he was a warrior and that he married Aisha when she was 9 or 14 years old. He said that people only see this as immoral because of their "sick minds" and that only Allah decides what is moral. In addition, Sheikh Bouchikhi said that disbelievers are the worst of Allah's creations, that they are worse than animals, and that Muslims should treat them accordingly and feel sorry for them.
He also explained that Muslims should ignore and not even visit or associate themselves with other Muslims who are not sufficiently observant, including family members like a sick uncle who doesn't pray or a niece who parades around wearing a miniskirt. To further elaborate his point, Sheikh Bouchikhi referred to a verse in the Quran in which Allah commanded the wives of certain men who did not go to Jihad with the Prophet Muhammad to not speak to their husbands. Sheikh Bouchikhi added: "Their own children didn't speak to them." Sheikh Zoubir Bouchikhi, an Algerian native, had moved with his family to the United States in 2003.
Sheikh Zoubir Bouchikhi: "You have to fear Allah and speak the truth no matter what, especially about the Prophet Muhammad. You [shouldn't] feel like: 'I'd rather hide this side of his life...' He got married to a very young girl. This is not hidden because it's not wrong. It is just in our sick minds.
"We still think: 'How can a man in his fifties marry a young girl who is not even 14?' Some of you even say [that Aisha] was nine.
"But what is moral? Allah decides this, not you and me. What is moral? LGBT is moral now in the West. It's okay.
"If the Prophet Muhammad fought with the sword, why am I hiding that? Because no, the Prophet looking peaceful and never fighting looks better... No, it doesn't look better. Actually, it [makes him] look incomplete.
"The worst of Allah's creations, even lower than animals are those who disbelieve and refuse to [believe].
"They are the worst. Why? Because they were given a chance. To do what?
"To go to Paradise forever! They refused it.
"Treat them like that. Don't treat them like they are more than who they are. When you see a non-Muslim, feel sorry for him or her. Call them to Islam, but don't lower yourself below them.
"When I see a sheep, I think the sheep is better than them.
"As long as they feel that they aren't doing anything wrong, they will never come to Islam.
"[If you have] an uncle who is a very good Muslim and is sick, go visit him. With an uncle who doesn't even pray to Allah, don't even say: 'That's my uncle.'
"With a niece who parades [around] in a miniskirt, [don't] say: 'Oh, look at my niece!' Don't be proud of sinners and don't visit sinners until they stop.
"Let [us] ignore them, because [they] don't pray or fast.
"Some of what I'm saying, it is the first time you are hearing it... This is why Islam is not spreading in Malaysia.
"People are not seeing the comprehensiveness of the religion.
"You can see the verse in the At-Tawbah chapter [in the Quran] where Allah even commands wives not to talk to their husbands when all [the husbands] did [wrong] had been to not go to jihad with the Prophet Muhammad. They stayed at home. Their own children didn't speak to them."