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Oct 07, 2023
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Saleh Al-Arouri, Deputy Chairman Of Hamas's Political Bureau: We Are Ready For All Options, Ground Invasion By The Enemy Would Be The Best Scenario – the Storming Of The Gaza Envelope Will Pale Compared To What May Happen To Them

#10515 | 01:38
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

On October 7, 2023, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) aired an audio recording in which Hamas Political Bureau deputy chairman Saleh Al-Arouri warned that an Israeli ground invasion into the Gaza Strip would be the "best scenario" as far as Hamas is concerned. He said that a ground invasion would "put an end to this conflict and defeat the enemy," and that in such a case, "the storming of the Zionist settlements and bases in the Gaza Envelope will pale compared to what may happen to them." He said that the invasion of southern Israel – in which over 1000 Israelis were murdered and over 100 were kidnapped – was carried out according to the plan that had been "drawn up." Al-Arouri added: "Taking control of those settlements and bases with their people was part of the plan." Moreover, he claimed that Hamas did not harm civilians and that videos of the attacks show that the people were treated in a "humane way."

Saleh Al-Arouri: "All the possibilities are taken into consideration. The resistance is basing its positions and plans on the worst-case scenarios, including an [Israeli] ground invasion. Let me use this platform to tell our people that for us, the possibility of a ground invasion into Gaza by the enemy is the best scenario to end this conflict and defeat the enemy. The storming of the Zionist settlements and bases in the Gaza Envelope by the resistance fighters and mujahideen  will pale compared to what may happen to them, if they send ground forces in Gaza."


Interviewer: "Was this scenario of capturing several hostages part of your plans?"

Al-Arouri: "The plan was carried out the way it was drawn up. Taking control of those settlements and bases with their people was part of the plan. We do not target civilians. We do not kill or harm them. You may have watched videos where you could see that the people who surrendered to the resistance were treated in a humane way."

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