Dearborn, Michigan activist Tarek Bazzi said at a pro-Palestine rally held in May 2021 and uploaded to the Al-Quds Committee Facebook page: "'From the River to the Sea' means the annihilation of the Zionist regime." He said that Israel is a cancer and an "absolute evil." A crowd member responded by leading the audience in the chant: "There is no god but Allah, Israel is the enemy of Allah!" Bazzi continued to say that there is no way to deal peacefully with Israel and that martyrdom must be sought after, adding: "The Most they could do is to kill us, and that is martyrdom in the way of Allah." Bazzi said that Palestine will not be liberated by pandering to the "so-called democracies" but by relying on Allah and struggle. The event took place during the May 2021 conflict between Gaza and Israel, when Palestinian factions launched rocket attacks at Israel, Bazzi said: "Resistance is necessary in any way possible. When rockets are there, let them fire the rockets."
More recently, Tarek Bazzi spoke at an International Al-Quds Day rally in Dearborn, Michigan, held on April 5, 2024, where he said that it is not "Genocide Joe" that has to go, referring to President Biden, but it is the entire system of the United States "that has to go." He Quoted Malcolm X, saying: "We live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth." Bazzi added that "death to Israel" has become the "most logical chant shouted across the world today" – See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 11259 – At International Al-Quds Day Rally In Dearborn, Michigan Protesters Chant 'Death To America!'; Speakers Say: America Is One Of The 'Rottenest Countries' On Earth; Israel Is ISIS, Nazi, A Cancer.
Tarek Bazzi: "'From the River to the Sea' means the absolute annihilation of the Zionist regime. Israel is absolute evil. It is a cancer in the Middle East and in the world. There is no way to deal peacefully with such an entity. There can be no two-state solution when you have a Zionist oppressor that knows no limits. The Zionist aggressor that will steal land and slaughter children and that will take pride in doing such deeds.
"This is a struggle of divine justice against Satanic injustice. 'Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the tyrants.' There is no god but Allah!
Crowd: "There is no god but Allah! Israel is the enemy of Allah! The martyr is beloved by Allah! The martyr is beloved by Allah!"
Bazzi: "Victory will come from God, but He doesn't grant it cheaply. There is a price to pay for that victory. There is a price to pay for that victory. Blood must be spilled. Martyrdom must be sought after. Resistance is necessary in any way possible. When the rockets are there, let them fire the rockets. When the rockets run out... Allah Akbar!
"If you are coming here... If you are speaking out against Israel's existence – notice – Israel's existence... You can't stand with Palestine, unless you are against Israel in its entirety.
"If Allah is with you, who could defeat you? The most they could do is kill us, and that is martyrdom in the way of Allah. Allah Akbar!
"Palestine will not be liberated by pandering to the same Western hypocritical so-called democracies that set Israel there in the first place.
"The resistance will continue, not by pandering to America, Britain, and the US to please give us freedom, to please liberate our lands, but by relying on God and struggling in any way that we can. Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar!"