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Jul 11, 2011
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Lebanese Minister of Energy and Water Gebran Bassil in Veiled Threat against Israeli Offshore Gas and Oil Drilling: "Israel Will Not Enjoy Stability, Calm, and Tranquility unless Lebanon Enjoys Them Too"

#3033 | 01:27
Source: OTV (Lebanon)

Following is an excerpt from an interview with Lebanese Minister of Energy and Water Gebran Bassil, which aired on OTV on July 11, 2011:

Gebran Bassil: This is our land, our water, and our border, and we will defend them. We will not allow Israel to encroach upon our borders, or upon our oil resources in this region.

Interviewer: To what extent do you rely on the UN in this matter?

Gebran Bassil: We rely, first and foremost, on our strength, our resolve, and our national will. If the UN takes care of the diplomatic, political, and legal aspects, it will be good. If it doesn't, Lebanon still has all the legal and legitimate means to protect its rights and defend its borders. This frightens Israel and the companies working in the sea over there.

For Israel to be able to exploit its oil resources, the companies must work in an atmosphere of stability and calm. Israel will not enjoy stability, calm, and tranquility unless Lebanon enjoys them too. Lebanon will not experience volatility and instability, while Israel enjoys stability. Absolutely not.


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