Professor Shafeeq Ghabra, a political science professor at Kuwait University and former President of the American University of Kuwait, said in a recent address that America and Israel "profit from fear" and that "you have come to completely depend upon American protection and, indirectly, upon Israeli protection." Asking "How come all the wars that America is waging throughout the world turn out to be in Islamic areas?" Ghabra further said that the Zionist colonialists "found a civilization, and that's why their tactic and strategy was to destroy as much as possible. It got to the point that you are unsure of yourself, you don't know who you are, and you have even forgotten your own name." Ghabra earned his B.A. from Georgetown University, his M.A. from Purdue, and his Ph.D. from the University of Texas in Austin. He was the Director of the Kuwait Information Office in Washington D.C. for several years and his papers have been published by several D.C.-based think tanks, such as the Middle East Institute and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. His address was posted by the Dar AlQattan Club on YouTube on December 19, 2017.
Shafeeq Ghabra: "It is a mistake to think that if the Zionist movement gets rid of all the Palestinians, the problem would come to an end. The Palestinians were in their way by mere coincidence.
"The rest of the Arabs are also being targeted. If they try to make progress, they are targeted. If they try to be independent, they are targeted. If they try to be strong, they are targeted. If they try to establish scientific projects... Even if the Arabs want to form a union like the EU... They are not allowed to do this. Only the Europeans are allowed. You need to be a European. You need to be blonde, green or blue... But if you are an Arab and a Muslim, and you want to launch projects of economic integration – you are not allowed. The money you toil to extract from the belly of the earth... Every day, someone makes you feel threatened, so that you will hand over that money in exchange for weapons you never use. Many of these weapons give you a sense of security, protected from a fear whose origins are no longer known to you. Those weapons are never used, ultimately turning into rust.
"They profit from fear, and this has to do with the Israeli perspective. I believe that if we look at the situation in the region... How come all these wars occur in our region? As much as we say that this is our fault, that we are no good, that we have problems – how came all the wars that America is waging throughout the world turn out to be in Islamic areas? Why this region? Instead of engaging in self-flagellation, we should realize that there is a certain complex towards this region, and that this complex has one main source: Israel. Okay, there's another source: oil, money, wealth.
"They want to take as much as they can. They leave you some and take the rest. They take it and say to you: There is an Iranian threat... Iran has now taken the place of the Israeli enemy and we should fight it. They don't fight Iran. They let Iran be, and they take... They say to you: 'I have arranged protection for you.' If you tell them that you don't want this protection, they instigate something against you, they use a certain situation to cause you a problem. You have come to completely depend upon American protection, and, indirectly, upon Israeli protection. Yet you are still targeted, because you happen to be in this region, and you face that Zionist colonialist force...
"The Zionists come here with a colonialist spirit. For them, we are nothing but... They view themselves like the white men who came to South Africa, like the white men who came to Algeria, like the white men who landed in other places and annihilated the natives. They came to the Islamic region wishing to annihilate, to finish the job and move on. Alas, they discovered that the civilization here is a little bit tough. It is a bit different, it has self-pride... We weren't a jungle. Unfortunately for them, they came here and didn't find jungles.
"Instead, they found a civilization, cities, merchants, good people, people who take pride in their history, with a civilization in Al-Andalus and in former Islamic countries, a civilization that goes back in history to Mecca and Medina, to the cradle of the Islamic message that began with the Prophet Muhammad. This is what they found when they came here, and that's why their tactic and strategy was to destroy as much as possible. It got to the point that you are unsure of yourself, you don't know who you are, and you have even forgotten your own name."