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Feb 07, 2017
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Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei Thanks Donald Trump for Revealing the "True Face of America"

#5882 | 01:29
Source: Press TV (Iran)

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said in a recent address that "we are grateful to [Donald Trump]" for showing us "the true face of America." "He exposed what we have been saying for more than 30 years about the political, economic, moral and social corruption in the U.S. ruling system during his election campaign and after that," he said, speaking before a group of Iran's Army Airforce commanders and personnel on National Airforce Day. The address aired on Press TV and was posted on the Internet on February 7.


Sayyed Khamenei: "The day after tomorrow on Bahman 22 [anniversary of Islamic Revolution], the [Iranian] people will respond on the street to these threats and comments. They will show what stance the Iranian nation will take in the face of threats. No, we are not afraid of any threats. Yes, we are grateful to this man [Donald Trump] who has just come [to power]. We are grateful [to him] for making it easy for us and showed the true face of America. He exposed what we have been saying for more than 30 years about the political, economic, moral and social corruption in the U.S. ruling system during his election campaign and after that."



Announcer: "Ayatollah Sayyed Khamenei said [unintelligible] cannot paralyze the nation. He also said that the U.S. was behind the creation of Daesh, the wars in Iraq and Syria, and the sedition in Iran following the 2009 presidential election. The Leader was addressing a group of Iran's army air force commanders and personnel on the occasion of National Air Force Day."


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