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Apr 07, 2005
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Iranian Nuclear Negotiator Sirus Naseri: We Plan to Export Excess Nuclear Fuel

#637 | 35
Source: Channel 2 (Iran)

Following is an excerpt from an interview with Sirus Naseri, senior negotiator with Europe on the Iranian nuclear dossier. Channel 2 of the Iranian TV aired this interview on April 7, 2005.

Sirus Naseri: According to the current plans of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization we will produce nuclear fuel. We will either use it in Iran or produce it for [export] to other countries.

We are creating our own potential so if our warehouses and reserves are full, we will be able to use the fuel, or export it. This is a strategic matter to us, economically speaking.

Interviewer: But this is only if our fuel cycle were active…

Sirus Naseri: At the moment we cannot elaborate on the offer [we proposed to the Europeans] because it is being negotiated.

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