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May 15, 2024
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Hizbullah-Affiliated Lebanese Academic Sadek Al-Naboulsi: Hitler Recruited Child Soldiers, So Why Shouldn't We? There Is Nothing Shameful About Raising Children On The Principle Of Sacrificing One's Life

#11111 | 02:00
Source: Online Platforms - "Tafasil on YouTube"

Hizbullah-Affiliated Lebanese Academic Sadek Al-Naboulsi said in a May 15, 2024 interview that was uploaded to Tafasil on YouTube that Hitler's Germany recruited child soldiers. He asked: "Why shouldn't we do the same?" Al-Naboulsi said that there nothing shameful about raising children to sacrifice their lives. He added that the Japanese people also raise their children using a very strict upbringing, so they do not become "fair game again and so the Japanese race and Japanese individual remain strong."

Sadek Al-Naboulsi: "The Shiites have faced many accusations throughout history. I don't want to get into this. All I am saying is that Hizbullah is also facing accusations today, about the way it brings up children. Is sacrifice a positive or negative thing? Does applying oneself is a good or bad thing? In cognitive science, they talk about the mentally good and mentally bad. We should check whether a certain notion is good or bad. If it is good, why not raise our children according to it?

"So, yes. Hizbullah does raise its children on the principles of service and sacrifice, as well as on the principle of sacrificing one's life. This is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, it's an honor, for anyone raising his children on the principle of self-sacrifice, for the sake of others, the country, and the nation.


"When we read the history of Germany and Hitler – they recruited children to be soldiers. They would train children before they came of age. Why shouldn't we do the same? On the contrary, this increases a person's value. They grant him a powerful upbringing from the start.

"This also takes us to the Japanese. They are also very strict in the upbringing of their children, to prevent Japan from becoming fair game again, and so that the Japanese race and Japanese individual remain strong."

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