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Jan 31, 2012
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Hamas Leader in Gaza Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: "Peaceful Resistance Is Not Suitable for Gaza Right Now, Because There Is No Occupation There"

#3300 | 57
Source: Palestine Today TV (Palestinian Islamic Jihad)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, a Hamas leader in Gaza, which aired on Palestine Today TV on January 31, 2012:

Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: Popular resistance means marches, stone-throwing, and strikes. We have tried that in the first Intifada. Armed struggle is also a form of popular resistance. It is a form of resistance in which the entire people participates. All the resistance of the Palestinian people is popular resistance – whether the so-called peaceful resistance or the armed struggle.


Peaceful resistance is not suitable for Gaza right now, because there is no occupation there.


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