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Feb 10, 2005
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Footage from the 26th Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution Demonstrations

#551 | 08:01
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)Channel 2 (Iran)IRINN TV (Iran)Channel 3 (Iran)

The following are excerpts from demonstrations in Tehran on the 26th anniversary of the Islamic revolution that was marked on February 10:

Reporter: I'd like to ask this young man why he came here today.

Demonstrator: We've come to punch our mighty fists in America's mouth and to say that we will defend the regime by any possible means.

Reporter: Look how our young generation, our middle generation, and our elderly they have all come to create a most beautiful epic. This toddler has the final word. Mr. Taheri, please zoom in on our dear child so we can see what he is saying.

Demonstrator: Death to…

Toddler: ...to America.

Reporter: Yes. we'll teach our children…

Crowd: Death to America.

Reporter: We'll impart the struggle against arrogance to our children and to the generations to come in order to always defend the aspirations of the sacred regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the goals of our revolution.

"Death to America"

Demonstrator: We have brought our child. He is thrilled to participate in the demonstration. We have come so that he too will learn and continue the path of those who brought about the revolution.

Demonstrator: Today America is afraid of us, as well it should be.

Reporter: You have come with your child. Why have you brought her to the demonstration in this cold?

Demonstrator: To punch a fist in America's mouth so it won't speak such nonsense about our Islamic revolution anymore.

Reporter: What do you feel right now?

Demonstrator: I feel very good, and I am very happy.

Demonstrator: The entire public is participating in the demonstration mainly because of what Bush said recently. It is obvious that... If the public participates in this demonstration it will be a mighty blow to America's mouth, so Bush won't dare do anything against the Iranian public.


Death to America

Every student chants… Death to America

Every student chants… Death to America

Every Muslim chants… Death to America

Every Muslim chants… Death to America

Death to America

This is the logic of the Koran… Death to America

Death to America

The answer to Bush's threats is… Death to America

The answer to Bush's threats is… Death to America

This raging nation [chants]… Death to America

Bush and Sharon, you should know… Death to America

Don't brag anymore… Death to America

Our nation is alive… Death to America

Ours is a fighting nation… Death to America

Ours is a fighting nation… Death to America

The cry of freedom is… Death to America

The joy of life is… Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Reporter: This dear man with a cane in his hand, has come with his wife in this cold weather. What motivated you to participate in this demonstration? Go ahead…

Demonstrator: In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful. Following our leader's order, we said the first "Allah Akbar." We will stay standing to the very end. The entire world is worth nothing compared to Islam. America, England, and the Zionists won't dare to do a thing.

Crowd:Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar.

Reporter: The excitement and enthusiasm caused… Allow me… Friends… Allow me… This excitement and enthusiasm is indescribable. These people always follow the revolution. This little girl standing next to me would like to recite something… The slogan "Death to America" is obviously heartfelt by all the people, and this is the main point of this report. Let them chant their slogans… I am here at your service. Allow me… Hello.

Young demonstrator: Hello.

Reporter: How are you?

Young demonstrator: I'm fine.

Reporter: Please recite your piece…

Young demonstrator: "In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful.

In the Month of Bahman, the leader [Khomeini] came to his friends.

He brought the good scent of spring in winter.

The moon laughed with joy when it saw him.

The darkness disappeared, stars illuminated the night.

The leader, full of fervor, sounded the Koran out loud.

He erased the oppression of kings, and brought happiness and light.

He said: "I will hit the [Sha's] government in the mouth."

How fine were his words, he destroyed the enemy."

Reporter: Thank you very much. These people chant as one: Death to America.

Crowd: Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Death to America

Reporter: Thank you very much. We will be with you later on. Just listen to this public's slogan. And the criminal America...

Demonstrator: We have no need for weapons of mass destruction. Each one of these people is an atom bomb. We have come to prove this to America and the enemies.

Reporter: Why did you come to the demonstration?

Young demonstrator: In order to defend the revolution.

Reporter: What do you think we can do?

Young demonstrator: We can say "Death to America" so America will know that we are not afraid of cannons and guns.

Demonstrator: We have come on the anniversary of the revolution with all the athletes, basij members, and people… We have come from all walks of society to say to America: Oh America, if you even think of coming to our country and attacking us, we will turn this place into a sea of blood for you. That's all.

Young demonstrator: One can say that today is the birthday of the Islamic republic, the day our revolution prevailed.

Young demonstrator: I have come to show America that we will not sit idly in the face of its oppression, and we will fight it.

Young reporter: The children took part with the adults in the demonstration on the anniversary of the revolution in order to say that they continue the path of imam [Khomeini] and the martyrs.

What does the presence of children like us at the parade demonstrate?

Young demonstrator: It demonstrates that we love the leader and our revolution.

Young demonstrator: Every year on the Anniversary of the revolution America makes a series of threats so the public won't take part, but obviously the public participates with much enthusiasm.

Crowd: Death to Bush. Death to Bush. Death to Bush.

Death to Bush. Death to Bush. Death to Bush.

Death to Bush. Death to Bush. Death to Bush.

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