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Apr 08, 2022
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Father Of Palestinian Terrorist Who Murdered Three Israelis In Tel Aviv Shooting: I Am Pleased With My Son; Allah, Make Us Among The First To Strom The Al-Aqsa Mosque

#9489 | 04:04
Source: Online Platforms - "Various Palesitnian online sources"

On April 8, 2022, a video surfaced on Palestinian internet sources of the family members of Raad Hazem, the Palestinian terrorist who killed three Israelis and injured several others when he opened fire in a bar in Tel Aviv, Israel, speaking before a crowd in the Palestinian city of Jenin. Fathi Hazem, the terrorist's father, said that he is pleased with his son and that he prays that Allah will also be pleased him, adding: "Make us among the victorious troops who are first to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque." Fathi Hazem is a released security prisoner and has served as a senior officer in the Palestinian Authority's security services. Mahmoud Al-Saadi, the terrorist's uncle, said that Raad was "modest and polite" and praised him for directing his rage and courage against the enemy, and not against his fellow Muslims. He also said that in the Jenin refugee camp, people are "done talking" and are "taking action." Jamal Huwail, Fatah's Secretary in Jenin, led the crowd in a chant: "With our souls and our blood, we will redeem you, oh martyr!" Huwail also said that Raad brought happiness into the hearts of Arabs and Muslims (for more information about Jamal Huwail, see MEMRI TV Clips Nos. 9470, 9451, and 6005). Raad Hazem, who escaped the scene of the attack, was killed several hours later in a mosque in Jaffa, south of Tel Aviv, in a shootout with Israeli security forces.

Fathi Hazem: "Many have preceded you on this path. People with whom you have not lived and whom you did not know have fallen. They were killed for the sake of Allah before you were born. They have walked on this path for many years, and have sacrificed all that was dear to them, for the sake of Allah and for the sake of Palestine. However, it is the law of Allah that we grow old and feeble, and must pass the banner to those who come after us. Now, the banner is in your hands, so do not drop it. The Black Banner that says "there is no god but Allah," the banner of Islam, the banner of Muhammad's sword, is in your hands. Do not drop it. We have passed this banner on to you. By Allah, we have no power left in our bodies. We have no determination left in our body, but we draw our determination from you. We detect the power in your eyes and on your faces, and we draw our steadfastness from you. There is no need to worry about people who have youth like you by their side.


"Allah, I bear witness and I call on the testimony of your angels, the Bearers of Your Throne, all of Your creatures that I am pleased with my son. May You also be pleased with him, Allah – Amen. Oh Allah, have mercy upon the martyrs of the Muslim. – Amen. Release our prisoners, Allah. – Amen. Heal our Wounds, Allah. – Amen. Make us among the victorious troops who are first to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Allah. – Amen.


"With our souls and our blood, we will redeem you, oh martyr."

Jamal Huwail: "With our souls and our blood, we will redeem you, oh martyr."

Palestinians: " With our souls and our blood, we will redeem you, oh martyr."

Mahmoud Al-Saadi: "On these blessed days, we return, twenty years later, to fight and to declare that we will not surrender. We will remain true to our pledge until we achieve our freedom, until we restore the Al-Aqsa Mosque and vanquish these occupiers. Raad, who was modest and polite, delivered a message to everybody, by directing his rage only against the enemy and not against his fellow [Muslims].


"Today, he demonstrated his courage, but only against his enemies. A man must not brandish his weapon against his brother, only against those who occupy his land. We are still fighting those occupiers. We are done talking. We have left the podiums to the [politicians]. Here, in this refugee camp, we take actions. Here, the blood flows... – Allah Akbar! Here, only blood tells the true story of the path of this refugee camp. Here, we do not talk and we do not shoot in the air. Here, we advance, fight, kill and are killed."


Jamal Huwail: "Today, Raad Zeidan brought happiness into people's hearts in the entire Arab and Islamic nation – not just to the Palestinians from the River to the Sea. He advanced on the path of great heroic martyred leaders his heroic uncles Othman Al-Saadi and Muhammad Al-Saadi, on the path of his father, the released prisoner Colonel Fathi Abu Raad, and on the path of his entire family, who are all fighters. Today, Raad carried out a legendary [attack]."

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