Speaking in Jenin at a rally celebrating the release of Majdi Al-Sous from an Israeli prison, Palestinian MP Jamal Hweil, of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, praised the "heroic prisoners" on hunger strike and brandished a weapon. Hweil, a Palestinian Legislative Council member, said that he hoped "that we save every noble bullet for this occupation" and that "the resistance has united all the Palestinians in this refugee camp." The heroes, fighters, and mujahideen of the camp "humiliated Sharon, Ben-Eliezer, Mofaz, and Ya'alon, and will humiliate Netanyahu, Lieberman, and all the commanders of the occupation," he said. The video-clip was posted on the Facebook page of the "Lovers of Martyred Leader Abu Ammar" on April 27.
Jamal Hweil: "In the presence of the heroic prisoners, and especially the fighting commander Majdi Al-Sous, words fail us. There is no place for words, or poetry, or prose, when the sounds of bullets are heard in the region. Men, as we always say: Save your bullets for a rainy day, and your rifles for the confrontation against the occupation. I hope that everybody... Tough days lie ahead with this occupation. I hope that we save every noble bullet for this occupation."
Sound of gunfire
"The Jenin refugee camp says to the Zionist occupation: 'Do not test the patience of this refugee camp, or of its heroes, its fighters, its mujahideen, who humiliated Sharon, Ben-Eliezer, Mofaz, and Ya'alon, and who will humiliate Netanyahu, Lieberman, and all of the commanders of the occupation.' The prisoners have united us Palestinians and have restored our pride and honor. When some people thought that the Palestinian people had surrendered - out came the heroes and the prisoners (and united us), just as the resistance has united all the Palestinians in this refugee camp."
"Our message and the prisoners' message to the young people of this refugee camp is: 'Do not let the enemy get out of your refugee camp intact.' We should be merciful to one another, but resolute against the enemy. Do not let any Zionist soldier enter this refugee camp. They must be humiliated. These rifles should remain pointed at the Israeli occupation."
"We shall move from victory to victory, until we see all our heroic prisoners here, and first and foremost, the commander Marwan Al-Barghouti. Assalaam Alaykum, and Allah's mercy upon you."
Sound of gunfire