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Feb 01, 2005
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Dean of Islamic Studies for Girls at Al-Azhar University on Women in Paradise and Polygamy

#533 | 01:56
Source: Dream TV (Egypt)

The following are excerpts from an interview with 'Abla Al-Kahlawi, Dean of Islamic Studies for girls at Al-Azhar University. Dream2 TV aired this interview on February 1, 2005:

Interviewer: There is an important matter: the black-eyed virgins of paradise. The question which is always raised is: A man marries a woman in this world, but will she get him in the world to come as well?

Dr. 'Abla Al-Kahlawi: Every man will be resurrected with the one he loves. If a man loves his wife and lives a good and happy life with her, and he enjoys her companionship in this world, when he dies, you can rest assured he will choose her in the world to come. But if he was sick and tired of her, when he passes away, he will choose someone else.


There are some women whose husbands relate to them - especially in intimate matters - only through beatings. This is the only thing these women understand. The same goes for some men. This situation is well known in psychology. Many such cases have been brought before me. There was a man who would ask his wife to beat him with - excuse the expression- a shoe. I'm sorry, but that's how it was.


Interviewer: This is what they call a sadist?

Dr. 'Abla Al-Kahlawi: God knows.

Interviewer: [Reading from an Islamic law book:] "Some men, because of their psychological and physical nature, have an uncontrollable sexual appetite that cannot be satisfied by one woman. He is, therefore, allowed to satisfy his appetite in a lawful manner [i.e. polygamy], instead of taking a lover which would morally corrupt him." What do you think about this?

Dr. 'Abla Al-Kahlawi: Check the book's publishing date. There are no such things anymore. Everyone is need of treatment. Everyone is tired. If only they led a normal marital life.

Interviewer: You mean that...

Dr. 'Abla Al-Kahlawi: Enough...

Interviewer: This was published in 2000. Has all this changed within five years? Or maybe this is a second edition?

Dr. 'Abla Al-Kahlawi: There are parts that were taken from older books.

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