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Mar 07, 2005
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Bahrain TV Discussion of Homosexuality

#598 | 03:30
Source: Bahrain TV

The following are excerpts from a discussion on Bahrain TV:

Voice of Adam, from Jerusalem: The percentage of homosexuals in Jerusalem is very high.

Presenter: Yes.

Voice of Adam, from Jerusalem: The only escape for a young homosexual is alcohol.

Presenter: Yes.

Voice of Adam, from Jerusalem: We are a large group of some 500 young Muslims who belong to the homosexuals and lesbians' association in Jerusalem. Allah be praised we are Muslim, but alcohol is our only, because society does not accept us.

Presenter: I'd like to thank brother Adam. May Allah reward you for calling. The brother was calling from Jerusalem. Honorable sheik, you have a question to answer.

Sheik Dr. 'Abd Al-Latif Al-Mahmoud: First of all, I thank brother Adam, who is aware of this problem, which concerns him and a group of others, who have even established an association of homosexuals and lesbians. I think that this is the first stage of treatment - when a person feels he is wrong. He said that this association... That this act eventually leads to alcohol. So what should one do in such a case? The thing to do is to stay apart… The existence of such a group assists them in committing this crime against Islamic law. This is a crime according to Islamic law.

Abu Ahmad, from the UAE: The conversation you had with brother Adam from Jerusalem - I believe, and Allah knows, that he is not a Muslim. These are methods used by Jewish groups to distort the image of the mujahideen in Palestine. I wanted to say this in order for us to beware of some calls that distort the image…

Presenter: Brother Abu Ahmad, we always think well our callers, and consider them Muslims. Can you tell us the reason… I don't know whether the call was cut off or not…

Abu Ahmad, from the UAE: No, I'm with you.

Presenter: What made you think that these might be Israeli or Zionist measures aimed at harming the mujahideen? Explain this so we understand.

Abu Ahmad, from the UAE: Dear brother, there are a few things. I don't want to get into the details of the Jewish accent and how he pronounced the letter "r". But do the Palestinian mujahideen in Jerusalem have all this spare time to engage in these despicable filthy acts?

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