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Oct 10, 2014
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Shiite Kuwaiti Imam: ISIS Sold Thousands of Women, Girls, and Children to the Jews in Israel

#4549 | 02:24
Source: Online Platforms

In a recent Friday sermon in Kuwait, titled "The False War on ISIS," Shiite Imam Saleh Jawhar said that ISIS sold thousands of women, girls, and children to the Jews in Israel. "Even if we accept everything else - what kind of religion allows the capturing of a Muslim woman, and on top of that, allows her to be sold to a Jew?!" he asked.


Following are excerpts from the sermon, which was posted on the Internet on October 10, 2014.



Saleh Jawhar: Today, on the northern border of Syria, all those countries are fighting ISIS, yet ISIS has managed to capture that city [Kobani / Ein Al-Arab] - Ein Al-Arab ["Eye of the Arabs"] or "Nose of the Arabs," or whatever... Is this conceivable? Or perhaps there is a premeditated scenario at play here.



It was reported that ISIS members had managed to survive the air strikes by starting fires and generating black smoke that concealed them. But [the coalition] has cameras, and can even smash through rocks, and see through cave walls, so how come they cannot see through some smoke?!



These people, commanded by Mistress America, are lying hypocrites. They do not really want to fight ISIS and destroy it. They are the ones who created ISIS, and they have a vested interest in its survival.






Dear brothers, ISIS has sold thousands of women and girls to the Jews in Israel. Thousands of women, girls, and children are captured by ISIS, and are sent to Israel to be sold there.



What kind of religion is this?! Even if we accept everything else – what kind of religion allows the capturing of a Muslim woman, and on top of that, allows her to be sold to a Jew?!





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