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Aug 07, 2023
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Palestinian Teens Undergo Military Training At Fatah Summer Camp In Hebron

#10443 | 01:19
Source: Al-Awda TV (PA)

On August 7, 2023, Awda TV (Palestinian Authority) aired a report about the Fatah-run "Pioneers of Building and Liberation" summer camp in Hebron. According to the report, the teen boys attending the camp received military training, including weapon manipulation, from instructors wearing Palestinian Authority security forces uniforms. The boys also chanted the Fatah pledge of allegiance "to be loyal to Palestine and to work to liberate it."

Man: "We were surprised to see that many of the children have great capabilities that qualify them to be leaders of our country in the future, and to run huge institutions in this country."

Teens: "I swear by God Almighty!"

Pledge leader: "I swear by my honor and my beliefs..."

Teens: "I swear by my honor and my beliefs..."

Pledge leader:  "To be loyal to Palestine..."

Teens: "To be loyal to Palestine..."

Pledge leader: "And to work to liberate it."

Teens: "And to work to liberate it."

Pledge leader: "I will do everything I can."

Teens: "I will do everything I can."\

Pledge leader: "I swear that I will not reveal the secrets of the Fatah movement..."

Teens: "I swear that I will not reveal the secrets of the Fatah movement..."

Pledge leader: "And what I know about it."

Teens: "And what I know about it."

Pledge leader: "I make this pledge freely."

Teens: "I make this pledge freely."

Pledge leader: "Allah is witness to what I say."

Teens: "Allah is witness to what I say."


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