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Sep 21, 2018
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In Al-Aqsa Mosque Address, Palestinian Cleric ‘Issam Amira Encourages Honor Killings: We Are Ready to Kill Our Women If They Take Their Honor Lightly

#6789 | 03:05
Source: Online Platforms - "YouTube channel dedicated to Al-Aqsa addresses"

In an address delivered at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh 'Issam Amira said that Muslims are "undergoing a major crisis regarding the honor of their womenfolk," which he said is being "targeted" more than their lives or property. Pointing to social media, TV, and women leaving the house without male chaperones as examples of the "obliteration" of women's honor in Palestine, he encouraged men to say to their female relatives: "We are ready to die defending your honor, but at the same time, we are ready to kill you if you take your honor lightly." The address was posted on the Internet on September 21, 2018.

Following are excerpts:


Sheikh 'Issam Amira: Oh Muslims, we are undergoing a major crisis regarding the honor of our womenfolk. Obscenity has entered each and every home, and the fathers and other male guardians are unaware of it. Today, we are waging a fierce war, a ferocious battle, to defend the honor of our womenfolk. Our women's honor is being targeted more than our lives and our property. Moreover, the honor of our womenfolk is more sacred than our property, our lives, and our holy places. The violated honor of women cannot be restored, whereas property may be regained, and the same is true of the holy places if there are men and armies up to the task.




Nowadays, the honor of our womenfolk has been violated. The signs of this violation are clear: social media, TV series, women leaving the house without a male chaperone… Opportunities for prostitution are abundant, and honor is all but obliterated from the face of this holy land. Where are you, oh fathers? Where are you, oh brothers? What are you doing about the honor of your sisters and your mothers? How can you go about your business, not knowing what is going on in your own homes? Why don't you supervise your homes? Why don't you raise your sons and daughters to zealously protect their honor? Say to your women: "We are ready to die defending your honor, but at the same time, we are ready to kill you if you take your honor lightly."

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