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Dec 08, 2011
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Palestinian Campaign: "No to Violence against Women"

#3335 | 01:28
Source: Palestinian Authority TV

Following are excerpts from a Palestinian infomercial: "No to Violence Against Women", which aired on Palestinian Authority TV on December 8, 2011:

Silhouettes of man and woman arguing:

Man: Why didn't you iron my shirt?

Woman: I was busy feeding the kids.

Man slaps woman on the face, woman cries out.

Across the wall, members of another family hear the commotion.

Son: Mom, tell me what is going on!

Mother: Go to your room!

Shadow of the woman weeping

Middle Eastern Café

The young man who beat his wife enters the coffee house

Young man: Hello, people…

Older man at café: What are you doing here? It's beneath us to hang out with someone like you. Get lost, go.

Entire population of café turns their face to the young man

"No to violence against women"


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