Following are excerpts from the Friday sermon in a Gaza mosque:
Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris: It was the US that gave the false Israel a green light to shed this blood upon this land, because it wants it to shed blood. It is bloodthirsty for the Muslims there. Where are the Muslims? Where are the billion Muslims whose conscience does not prick them? There [in Iraq] honor is violated and people are fought against in the safety of mosques? By Allah, even Zionism did not do what the Crusaders are doing there. The Crusaders are more malicious. They are fighting against us, and against our brothers there. You have seen the wounded man seeking refuge in the mosque and you've seen how this malicious [soldier] killed him in the mosque. You have seen the old man seeking refuge behind a wall, and how a Zionist, or Crusader, soldier came and killed him in cold blood.
This should not be the end of heroes. This should not be the end of 50 years of struggle. Arafat is not the kind of man whose fate should be controlled by a woman. Arafat is not the kind of man whose medical file and death should be controlled by a woman with nothing to do with the Palestinian people. Arafat is not the kind of man whose fate should be controlled by a woman, who cut herself off from our customs, traditions, and religion.