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Jan 24, 2024
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'October 7' Shawarma Restaurant Opens In Jordan

#10830 | 01:33
Source: Online Platforms - "Fmr. Jordanian MP Dima Tahboub on X"

On January 24, 2024, former Jordanian MP Dima Tahboub uploaded a video to her X (formerly Twitter) account of the opening of the new "October 7" shawarma restaurant in the city of Al-Mazar Al-Janubi named for Hamas's attack on Israel.

Speaker: "In the name of Allah and with the blessing of Allah, the October [7] restaurant has opened in the city of Al-Mazar Al-Janubi. You are all welcome.


"Let's look inside... Mashallah.... Mashallah... Prayers upon Allah's messenger, Muhammad. Please let me pass through... Make way, make way... Congratulations on opening [the restaurant]. Let's go inside and take a look. You have the shawarma here. October 7... All the best..."

Worker: "Welcome, welcome."

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