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May 10, 2024
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In Clifton, New Jersey Sermon, Sheikh Osamah Salhia: University Protesters Are Future Leaders, The Days Of Biden And Politicians 'Sponsored By AIPAC' Are Numbered; Prays For Demise Of Israel, Claims Israel 'Annexed' The U.S., 'Hijacked' Its Political System; Adds: 'The Biggest Way To Support Gaza – Undermining Zionism In The West'

#11090 | 02:29
Source: Online Platforms - "Islamic Center of Passaic County in Clifton on YouTube"

Imam Sheikh Osamah Salhia said in his May 10, 2024 Friday sermon at the Islamic Center of Passaic County in Clifton, New Jersey said that Israel has "annexed" the United States. He explained that Congress is more occupied than Palestine is. Salhia said that Muslims cannot sit idly by while the "corruption of Israel festers," and they must undermine Zionism in the West. He stated that the days of the likes of President Biden and "bankrupt politicians" who are sponsored by AIPAC and the Israeli lobby are numbered, and that events in college campuses showcase the future leaders of the U.S.  The sermon was streamed live on the YouTube channel of the Islamic Center of Passaic County in Clifton. It is worth noting, that after his sermon, Sheikh Osamah Salhia encouraged his congregants to sign a petition on behalf of a community member who has been accused of committing a hate crime at a protest against a real estate event held in a synagogue in nearby Teaneck, NJ.

Osamah Salhia:"May Allah hasten the demise of Israel and the Zionist regime that supports it. May Allah hasten the demise of Zionism wherever it is. The college campuses are showing us the response of future leaders in our country to what is happening. The days of the likes of Biden and bankrupt politicians, who get sponsorship from AIPAC and Israeli lobbyists – those days are numbered, it is going to come to an end.


 "We are calling upon the conscience of people. Hey, you know that we are telling the politicians: 'The extra buck isn’t worth it. Yes, you are going to get into a public seat and you are going to be elected, but you are going to be [morally] bankrupt, because you are enabling and supporting something that has no morality behind it.'


"We need to work to undo decades of political corruption in our country. It’s not impossible. Israeli lobbyism started only a few decades ago.


"These lobbies, funded by billions of dollars and powerful corporations, changed American politics in decades. We need to undo this. We need to do something about it. What good is it for me to sit down, as a Muslim, and watch the corruption of Israel fester in... By the way, it’s not just in Palestine, we’ve said this many times. Congress is more occupied than Palestine, exponentially more occupied than Palestine. That is how Congress is today, that is how our government is today. It is run by Israel. Israel annexed the United States of America by hijacking our entire political system.


"One of the biggest ways that I can support my brothers and sisters in Gaza is by undermining Zionism in the West. That is my role. We are not in Gaza."

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