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Oct 27, 2018
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Libyan Researcher Dr. Ali Al-Siba'i Refers to Jews as "Apes and Pigs," Adds: Offensive Jihad Is the Only Way to Smash European And American Colonialism

#6835 | 01:44
Source: Channel 9/Qanat TV (Turkey)

During an interview on the Turkey-based MB-affiliated Channel 9 TV, Libyan researcher Dr. Ali Al-Siba'i said that the Jihad that terrifies the world today was sanctioned by shari'a law in order to establish justice, and that humanity was relieved of oppression, exploitation, and plundering when Islam "spread its wings throughout the world." He said that the Europeans and the Americans inherited their imperialist-colonialist mentality from the Romans, and that they can only be stopped by Muslims through the use of offensive Jihad. He also said: "Look who [Allah] has sent to rule over us - the Jews, whom the Quran called 'most despicable creatures of Allah.' The descendants of apes and pigs rule over us and inflict upon us all kinds of torment." The interview aired on October 27, 2018.

Following are excerpts:


Dr. Ali Al-Sibai’i: The Jihad that terrifies the world today was only sanctioned by the shari’a in order to create a balance in the world, and to establish justice, fairness, impartiality, and honesty among people.




Humanity was relieved of oppression and exploitation, and of the plundering of resources and the denial of rights only when Islam spread its wings throughout the world. Before that – what did the Romans do in Egypt? What did they do in Libya? What did they do in Syria and in Palestine? What did they do throughout the world? The imperialist-colonialist mentality of the Romans was inherited by Europe in the Middle Ages, as well as today. I’m talking about Europe in general, about Europe and America. Today, it is [America] that spreads its influence. America wants to oppress and grab each and every region. This mentality can only be smashed by Jihad – not defensive Jihad, but offensive Jihad.




The Indians did not come to our country and colonize us, and neither did the South Americans. Only the Europeans did, because they inherited this from the Romans. Nobody will stop them except for the Muslims.




Look who [Allah] has sent to rule over us – the Jews, whom the Quran called “the most despicable creatures of Allah.” The descendants of apes and pigs rule over us, and inflict upon us all kinds of torment.

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