In a pre-recorded speech aired at the "Eye on Jerusalem" conference held in Istanbul by the Al-Quds International Institute, Hamas's leader abroad Khaled Mashal called for a return to suicide attacks, which he referred to as "martyrdom operations." He said: "We should unleash all forms of resistance." Mashal said that Palestinians in the West Bank and within Israel's 1948 borders should reignite the spirit, and he called upon student leaders in Arab and Islamic countries, as well as in the West, to renew the student movement, adding: "You should be proud of yourself." The video was posted on August 20, 2024 on the X account of Abdulaziz Mucahit, an Al-Jazeera reporter in Turkey.
Khaled Mashal: "It is not enough for us to be proud of the resistance, watch videos on TV, and be full of praise for their heroism and sacrifice. Pride and appreciation are required, and supporting them financially is also required, but these are not enough.
"Today – not even tomorrow – we should make the decision to become practically engaged in the Al-Aqsa Flood, in the practical jihadi and military sense.
"Today, in the West Bank, within the 1948 borders, and in the diaspora, the escalation of this conflict is required. Today, in the West Bank, we have seen some successful early signs of martyrdom operations. We want to go back to the martyrdom operations. This necessitates an all-out conflict. They are fighting us in an all-out conflict, and we should face them with an all-out conflict.
"We should unleash all forms of resistance, and first and foremost, the martyrdom operations. We should engage in these operations. We should have an all-out confrontation. We should reignite this spirit in the West Bank and the 1948 borders. Otherwise, Israel will fight us piece by piece.
"The solution that is acceptable to one's logic and conscience, and is in keeping with our historical responsibility and the shari'a, is to unleash all the [fighting] fronts against them.
"In a few days, the academic year will start again at the universities worldwide.
"I call upon the student leaders in our Arab and Islamic countries, as well as in the East and the West, to renew the student movement in the broadest scope, in order to stop this criminal aggression. You should be proud of yourselves, oh youths of our nation and the free people of the world."