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Jan 04, 2019
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Iranian TV Show Cites 'Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion': Russian Revolution Was Part Of Jewish Plot Led By Rothschilds To Establish New World Order, All-Jewish Government

#7258 | 08:17
Source: IRIB Ofogh TV (Iran)

On January 4, 2019, Ofogh TV (Iran) aired a show discussing the Russian Revolution and Marxism, and how they were part of a Jewish conspiracy led by the Rothschild family to control the world's wealth. Russian Revolution researcher Zahra Sattarian said that the Rothschild family would employ usury in order to indebt countries to them so that they could control those countries' central banks, and she said that the entire global economy is controlled by a Jewish-Freemason network that is headed by the Rothschilds. Sattarian said that one of the goals of the Rothschilds and the Jews was to establish a new world order and an all-Jewish government, and she explained that the Russian Revolution was part of an act of vengeance against the Romanov dynasty.

Sattarian claimed that Marx's Capital had been influenced by a similar book by a man named Musa Hess, who she said had been a Freemason, and that the Jews simultaneously controlled the accumulation of wealth and the protest movement against the accumulation of wealth, which she explained took the form of socialists, anarchists, and others. Another researcher, Elaheh Sobhani, claimed that Karl Marx's original name was Musa Mordechai Levy and that he had been a well-connected Jew who was related to the Rothschilds. She cited The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as the source of much of this information and added that the Zionist Jews secretly printed communist journals such as Pravda, Iskra, and La Cloche in London and secretly smuggled them into Russia in order to gain control of public opinion. Dr. Majid Shahhosseini also appeared on the show.

Zahra Sattarian: "In order to research the Russian Revolution, we have to go back 100 years earlier. In 1814, a conference was held in Vienna, Austria. It was convened by the influential and, obviously, Jewish Rothschild family. Their goal was to use the debts owed to them by countries in order to gain control of those countries' central banks. Had this come to fruition, then not only the economy, but also the politics, culture, and – naturally – the governmental organs of those countries would have been under the exclusive control of that family. The audience of this show is, of course, familiar with this family. They know that hundreds of years ago, the Rothschilds got rich through usury, to such a degree that they could keep the countries that owed them in debt. We also need to know that even today, this family is considered to be one of the most influential and richest families in the world. The entire global economy and all the biggest banks in the world are controlled by the Jewish-Freemason network and this family is at the head of this network. This conference [in 1814] was part of a much larger plan to bring about a change in geographic borders and establish a New World Order for the purpose of creating an all-Jewish government, and we will discuss this later on in the show."

Dr. Majid Shahhosseini: "Yes. We were discussing the Rothschilds. In our past shows about revolutions, our viewers clearly saw the role of the role of the Freemasons and of influential people like the Rothschild family. It appears that they had a trick – they would lend money to governments, regimes, and empires, and they would start demanding [things] once they got these [countries] indebted to them. As it appears, after they brought about the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte's regime, this [1814] conference was held so they could rearrange the world. We all know that the 19th century was full of Freemason wars, and the Rothschild family played a key role there. Their role continued until the beginning of WWI and the October Revolution in Russia. That is, the Rothschilds had an important role in the beginning of WWI in the 20th century. You were talking about the conference and what took place there."

Zahra Sattarian: "Yes. You are absolutely right. But in this conference, something happened that interfered a little with their plans. This was the behavior of Alexander I, the Russian Tzar, regarding the transfer of his country's central bank to this family. Nathan Meyer Rothschild, the head of the family, swore that one day, he or his descendants will take revenge against the Romanov family and end their reign of Russia. The conference came to a conclusion, but the Rothschilds' plans to gain world power continued. We know that the most important element of power is control over popular opinion. Think about when the Industrial Revolution took place, and the invention of the printing press. The most important means of communication at the time was the newspapers, and control of this means leads to control of popular opinion, and, in turn, to control people's behavior in society. Therefore, in 1869, when a Jewish conference was being held in Prague, a Jewish rabbi named Yeshurun said in that conference: 'If gold is the first foundation of our power, the means of communication is the second foundation of our power.'"


Elaheh Sobhani: "Marx was a Hegelian leftist. His original name was Musa Mordechai Levy. He was a well-connected Jew with roots. From his mother's side, he was [connected] to the Rothschild family."

Dr. Majid Shahhosseini: "It's interesting that you worked on his family tree. From his mother's side, he is connected to the Rothschild family. Now we are getting close to what you mentioned in the beginning of the show: the Rothschild family's oath of vengeance against the Romanovs."

Elaheh Sobhani: "In addition to all of this, [Marx] was a member of the James Rothschild's Palace's intellectual society. This intellectual society, as the viewers know, consisted of secret currents and belonged to the Freemasons. All this led to there being a large umbrella of support for Karl Marx. A man named Friedrich Engels supported him, both ideologically and financially. It is interesting that Engels simultaneously supported Darwinism and Marxism."

Dr. Majid Shahhosseini: "From a certain point of view, he was the sponsor of atheism..."

Elaheh Sobhani: "We came to this conclusion by means of three documents. One is the memos documented in the Jewish Protocols, which later discuss the successes achieved as a result of Darwinism, Marxism, and Nietzscheism."


Zahra Sattarian: "The Marxists have two essential books. One is Capital – that is, wealth – by Karl Marx, which we can see here."

 Dr. Majid Shahhosseini: "You can clearly see the Freemason pyramid on it."

Zahra Sattarian: "Yes. Karl Marx wrote this and he was influenced by Moses Hess, who was also a Freemason.


"Hands from behind the scenes sent the public forward in order to bring about a communist revolution. This is so they themselves would pay the smallest price. In fact, during the same period there were currents that brought about the collapse of large empires from within – like Russia, the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and others – and there was an external current that was working internationally in order to create an all-Jewish state. We can see that in 1897, the first Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland, under the leadership of Theodore Herzl. It is interesting to know that the wealthy Jews spoke in that conference about Darwinism and Marxism in the Jewish Protocols as being among their greatest achievements. These are the same wealthy people who explicitly said in their Third Protocol: 'All of the power of us Jews comes from the hunger of the workers. The Anarchists and the socialists are the saviors we inserted into society.' In fact, we are facing a movement that simultaneously managed to accumulate wealth for itself and to run the protest against it – that is, both the hunger and the protest against the hunger."

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