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Jan 21, 2023
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Iranian Regime Cracks Down On Anti-Regime Protests: Military Vehicle Runs Over Protester, IRGC Personnel Open Fire On Students; Protesters Chant: "Death To Khamenei!"

#10076 | 01:52
Source: Online Platforms - "Various Iranian online sources"

This clip is a compilation of footage showing the Iranian regime violently cracking down against anti-regime protests throughout Iran between January 15 and 21, 2023. In one of the videos, according to the caption, individuals, who are purportedly plainclothes IRGC personnel, open fire and launch tear gas canisters at protesters at a Tehran university. In another video, a military vehicle is seen accelerating and purposely ramming into a protester. In addition, protesters can be heard chanting "Death to the dictator!" and "Death to Khamenei!" The footage in this clip was posted to the Twitter account of dissident Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad, the Iran International Instagram account, and @LightofRev on Twitter.

Cameraperson: "Dear Mohsen [Shekari], today marks the 40th day of your passing. You blocked one street but we will block all of Iran in your honor. My brother, we shall continue on your path – January 17, Tehran, Hemat Freeway."


Crowd: "Death to the dictator!"

Chant leader: "You are evil, you are insignificant, I am a free woman!"

Crowd: "You are evil, you are insignificant, I am a free woman!"


Cameraperson: "Dear Hooman, the guy has a gun, a pistol! The one with the beige clothes has a gun in his bag!"

Crowd: "Bastard, whoremonger, mother***er!"


Crowd: "Death to Khamenei! Death to Khamenei!"


Crowd: "This withered flower is an offering for the homeland!"

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