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Jan 13, 2021
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Former Iranian Diplomat Amir Mousavi: Iran Took Bin Laden's Family In For Humanitarian Reasons, Just Like We Welcomed Saddam Hussein's Sons; Had We Supported Al-Qaeda, We Would Have Done It Out In The Open

#8623 | 02:45
Source: Altaghier TV (Iraq)

Former Iranian diplomat Amir Mousavi told Altaghier TV (Iraq) on January 13, 2021 that Iran welcomed Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusay to Kermanshah after the Kuwait war, for "humanitarian" reasons. He explained that he had served as an interpreter for this delegation. Mousavi added that Iran had also allowed senior Iraqi officials such as Taha Yasin Ramadan and Tariq Aziz to fly out of Iran, because Iraq had been designated a no-fly zone.

He said that Iran did this because it is not a "vindictive country," unlike Saddam's regime, which had driven Mousavi's family out of Iraq, along with hundreds of thousands of (Shi'ite) families. Mousavi explained that Iran takes pride in supporting "revolutionary groups" such as Hizbullah in Lebanon. He said that when Iran supports Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian forces it does so powerfully.

Amir Mousavi: "Iran does not need to prove its innocence to the Great Satan.


"It is the U.S. that has been involved in these things, in sowing the seed for Al-Qaeda, in supporting Al-Qaeda, and in establishing Al-Qaeda in order to strike at the U.S.S.R.


"Was it the fault of Bin Laden's family that he was a criminal? [The Quran says:] 'No soul should bear the burden of another.' It was just like Saddam Hussein's family who came to Iran following the Kuwait war. Iran welcomed [Saddam's sons] Uday and Qusay in Kermanshah. These are humanitarian matters that…"

Interviewer: "This is new information… You welcomed Uday and Qusay after the war in Kermanshah?"

Mousavi: "Yes, yes. We welcomed Qusay and Uday in Kermanshah. I was there, as an interpreter for that delegation. Taha Yasin Ramadan, Tariq Aziz...They all came to Kermanshah, because at that time, Iraq was a no-fly zone, so if they wanted to travel to another country, they would come to Kermanshah and fly from there."

Interviewer: "Before the war?"

Mousavi: "Before the fall [of the regime].


"So these are humanitarian matters. This is how the Iranians treat even their enemies in some humanitarian cases, because Iran is not a vindictive country. It is not a hateful country, like some regimes that forget all the humanitarian cases when the relations turn sour. Saddam Hussein himself was like that. I was personally banished from Iraq. My family and I were driven out of Najaf in the most miserable manner. In our pajamas! All our property was confiscated on April 6, 1980. Whole families, hundreds of thousands of people were thrown into the desert.

"In any case, what I wanted to say is that when Iran supports a revolutionary group, it takes pride in it. It takes pride in supporting Hizbullah in Lebanon. Iran's support of Hizbullah is out in the open. When Iran supports Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian forces, it does so powerfully."

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