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Jun 26, 2012
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Holocaust Denier Joachim Martillo: Jews Behind the Collapse of the Financial System in the US and Worldwide

#3480 | 03:24
Source: Online PlatformsPress TV (Iran)

Following are excerpts from a TV program with the participation of Holocaust denier Joachim Martillo, who was presented on the show as a financial analyst. The program aired on Press TV and was posted on Youtube on June 26, 2012.

Joachim Martillo: […] 90% of the people that were convicted of fraud with regard to the S&L meltdown were Jewish. Now, I have worked in Wall Street, I do consulting there. I am always asked whether I am Jewish, so I can take part in the social networks on Wall Street, and whether I can share insider info and help protect other people, and basically exchange critical information that could be extremely valuable.

We have these vast, essentially ethnic networks on Wall Street. They have been there for a long time. People have written articles about them, but we are not allowed to talk about them.

Well, guess what - the people that Obama brought into his administration to deal with the crisis were people like Larry Summers and [Peter ] Orszag, and it goes on and on if you look at the names, people who belong to these social networks. And they protected themselves, because if anything, the percent that should have gone to jail was higher than the 90% that we saw in the S&L meltdown. But these people were all shielding one another, and therefore, they are protected, and it is quite possible that they will get away with it totally.

So we have to start looking at the ethnic manipulation, the corruption, and conspiracy on Wall Street in a serious way.


This is not real capitalism, This is crony capitalism, and we have to understand how this whole mortgage construction developed.

What was the big event of the 1970’s? That was the Arab oil embargo, which sent up the prices of oil, and basically gave your Arab oil countries a great deal more money to invest in the US.

These financial instruments for securitizing mortgages were used, essentially, as a way to bring Arab oil money into the US as investments and, essentially, loot it for the private gain of a rising class of Eastern European Jewish bankers.

They basically supplanted the older German-American Jewish bankers on Wall Street. So there was sort of an inner conflict on Wall Street.

Once this took place, you saw Wall Street policy - if you can talk of that - being directed to the benefit of serving an international Zionist class, and I know this all sounds like conspiracy theory; but why not? There have been conspiracies on Wall Street since the 19th century.


There is an intimate connection between the collapse of the financial system both in the United States and worldwide and US international policy and its manipulation by a class of hyper-wealthy Jewish Zionists.


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