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Feb 03, 2023
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Hizbullah TV: Lebanese Entrepreneur Invents First Arab Electric, Solar Energy Car

#10137 | 02:31
Source: Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

On February 3, 2023, Al-Manar TV (Hizbullah-Lebanon) aired a report about Hicham Husami, the "inventor" of the Lira Ecological Car, purportedly the first car produced in an Arab country to run on electric and solar energy. Husami said that the car has a range of 200 kilometers, that its batteries only take 30 minutes to charge, and that it can operate on solar panels. He also said that due to the economic crisis, Lebanon needs new ideas that would provide job opportunities for young people. Husami added: "In order for this experiment to be successful, one should not drive it near the Central Bank building, so it will not skid and collapse."

Reporter: "At a time when the Lira [Lebanese Pound] has lost all its reputation and value, this place conceals a Lira of another kind — a Lira that cannot talk, but can drive using solar energy. Let us take a look."

Hicham Husami: "Despite the circumstances and the collapse of the Lebanese Pound, we invented the first car produced in the Arab world — in Lebanon — that operates on electric and solar energy. We have the honor to call it the Lebanese Lira.

Reporter: "It's a solar car, called the Lira. In Lebanon, this is not a figment of imagination. It is a real project in progress. The man behind this car is an optimistic and determined Lebanese engineer."

Husami: "I'm an industrialist. Because we are going through an economic crisis, we need new ideas that will revive this country, and will provide new job opportunities to our young men and women. We must not just wait for relief when the key to relief is in our hand.

"This car can drive you for 200 kilometers during the day without charging it. You can charge the batteries in half an hour. If you are in a place with no electricity and there is sunlight, the car recharges itself, through solar energy. Despite the crisis we are going through, we can stand on our feet. Lebanon is the first Arab country to produce solar cars."

Reporter: "The idea of the Lira car is an honest manifestation of the Lebanese will to live and survive. In order for this experiment to be successful, one should not drive it near the Central Bank building, so it will not skid and collapse."

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