A dignitary from the Al-Sawarka tribe in Gaza declared that "the Palestinian people shall liberate its land with blood, with martyrs, with women, and with children" and that "we shall come and take down that [border] fence with the fingernails of our children." His statements aired on March 29 by the Hamas Al-Aqsa TV channel, which did not provide his name.
Dignitary: "This is a message to the whole world: The Palestinian people shall never relinquish the Right of Return. The Palestinian people shall liberate its land with blood, with martyrs, with women, and with children. We shall never relinquish our land, the land of our fathers and of our forefathers. We shall return with all our might. We shall return as liberators, with our heads held high, and carrying the banner of 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.'
"This siege must be shattered with all our might – with our bodies, our lives, our hands, and our bare chests. We shall come and take down that [border] fence with the fingernails of our children, Allah willing. Revolutionary until victory, until victory, until victory!"