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Oct 24, 2015
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Gaza Parents Name Their Newborn "Knife of Jerusalem"

#5126 | 01:49
Source: Online Platforms

The parents of a newborn baby in Gaza explain that they decided to call their son "Knife of Jerusalem" because it was "the least they could do" to express solidarity with Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Following are excerpts from the interview, which was posted on the Internet on October 24, 2015.

Father of the baby: Allah has given me a new baby, and I've named him "Knife of Jerusalem" after the Intifada of the Knives, because we are now witnessing a new kind of revolution.

The infant is covered with a birth certificate

Allah willing, the third Intifada will not stop. After this Intifada, and in support of the blood of the martyrs, I've named him "Knife of Jerusalem," because the least we can do is to show solidarity with our people in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Giving him this name was the least I could do, even if many people don't like it.

Mother of the baby, her face veiled but her eyes: I am the mother of Knife of Jerusalem. We gave him this name in solidarity with our people in the West Bank. This is the least we could do for them, in the third Intifada, the Intifada of Al-Aqsa.

Friend of the father: I am a friend of Knife of Jerusalem's father. It was my idea, and I published the post on Facebook. I felt that this would gain lots of attention on the social media. He was over at my shop, and he told me that he was going to the hospital, because his wife was having a baby. He said that he did not know what name to give the baby. We were watching the music video "Lovers of Stabbing" on TV, and I said: How about Knife of Jerusalem? He said: "How can I call him Knife?!" I said: "After the martyrs and the Intifada of the Knives. Today, it is the knife that has its say on the ground." This is a really sweet name. It's the least we can do for Jerusalem.


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