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Jan 11, 2017
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Gaza Comedian Adel Mashoukhi Protesting against Hamas over the Electricity Crisis

#5842 | 01:26
Source: Online Platforms - "Mashoukhi's Facebook Page"

Gaza Comedian Adel Mashoukhi was arrested after staging an impromptu protest against Hamas over the backdrop of the electricity crisis in Gaza. Calling Hamas an "oppressive ruler," he said: "I want to become a martyr because of Hamas." No work, no food, no drinking water, and the border crossings are closed, he complained, but "electricity is where we draw the line!" Mashoukhi concluded the video with shouts of "We want electricity!" Shortly after posting the video-clip on his Facebook page, he was arrested by the Hamas authorities. Mashoukhi has 80,000 followers on Facebook, and within 36 hours, the video-clip itself had gained over 260,000 views.


Adel Mashoukhi: "The most beautiful thing in the world is to tell an oppressive ruler the truth to his face. I am telling the oppressive ruler the truth to his face. I want to become a martyr. I want to become a martyr because of Hamas. There is no work. The border crossings are closed. There is no food, no drinking water. Now there is no electricity? Electricity is where we draw the line! Enough, Hamas! Enough! Enough with it! We want electricity! We want electricity! We want electricity! We want electricity! We want electricity!"

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