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Apr 19, 2019
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Gaza Cleric Mahmoud Al-Hasanat Rebukes Arab Leaders Who "Whine" about Notre-Dame Cathedral from which "a Crusade against Islam" Was Once Declared

#7171 | 02:56
Source: Online Platforms - "Al-Hasanat on YouTube"

In a Friday sermon delivered in Gaza on April 19, 2019, Mahmoud Al-Hasanat, an Islamic cleric, referred to the fire in the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. Al-Hasanat rebuked Arab leaders for shedding tears for the French cathedral and collecting funds to rebuild it while they remained silent when mosques in Syria and Gaza were burned down and destroyed. Al-Hasanat said that thousands of people are being burned in Syria today, but Arab leaders do not shed tears for them. “Our blood is cheap, but the blood of the French and Parisians is expensive.” Al-Hasanat added that a Crusade against Islam was once declared from this very cathedral. “The heads of Muslims were chopped off and people were killed in the streets, after war [against Islam] had been declared in this cathedral.” He concluded by saying: “This is their principle: Killing an animal in the jungle is an unforgivable crime, but killing an entire Muslim people is a matter open for debate.”


Mahmoud Al-Hasanat: The people who whine about the burning of a cathedral in Paris… A centuries-old cathedral was burned down. The Umayyad Mosque… Damascus was completely burned down, Damascus was completely burned down, and it is much older than that cathedral. It is 4,000 years old. The Umayyad Mosque was also burned down. Did they shed tears over it? By Allah, they did not. In New Zealand, 60 Muslims were martyred in one minute, but not a single Arab ruler attended their funerals.




Gaza was burned down in three consecutive wars. Did they shed tears over it? No, by Allah, they did not. To this day, thousands of people are being burned in Baghuz and in Idlib, in Syria. Did they shed tears over them? Our blood is cheap, but the blood of the French and Parisians is expensive. All the Arab rulers rose to the occasion, and collected donations in order to rebuild that cathedral. That is just great! That is just great! Also, they all sent messages of grief. Thirty four billion dollars were collected so far from the Arab countries, from the EU, and from foreign countries, in order to rebuild that cathedral, but Gaza mosques that were destroyed have still not been rebuilt.




From that very cathedral, they once declared a Crusade against Islam. The heads of Muslims were chopped off, and people were killed in the streets, after war [against Islam] had been declared in this cathedral. Indeed, these are crocodile tears. These are crocodile tears. This is their principle: Killing an animal in the jungle is an unforgivable crime, but killing an entire Muslim people is a matter open for debate.



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