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Jun 10, 2013
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FSA General Gives Int'l Community One Month to Provide Anti-Tank, Anti-Aircraft Weapons

#3875 | 04:34
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Abd Al-Baset Tawila, the commander of the Free Syrian Army's northern front, which aired on the Al-Jazeera network on June 10, 2013:

Interviewer: There is a lot of talk about advanced weapons, and about the fact that countries are supplying the Free Syrian Army with advanced weapons like anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles.

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: That's right. In my opinion, if we were provided with such weapons, we would shorten the timetable set for this country.

Interviewer: Who set this timetable?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: The superpowers.

Interviewer: They set a timetable for the revolution?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: Yes.

Interviewer: So what you are saying is that these countries want to control the timing of the victory of the revolution or the toppling of the regime?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: Yes.

Interviewer: What is their aim?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: Various agendas and schemes. I do not know all the details of these schemes, but I can tell you that it is difficult for us to overcome the timetable set for the revolution. Let me give you some evidence. The weapons and ammunition that the FSA receives do not include anti-aircraft or anti-tank weapons. We are unable to confront these [tanks and aircraft] here.


If we had received the quantity and type of ammunition we needed in the battlefield from the outset of the revolution, this regime would not have lasted more than a month or two.


Interviewer: Can you specify who [prevents you from getting these weapons]?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: Uncle Sam.

Interviewer: What is Uncle Sam's aim, in your opinion?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: Let me tell you frankly, the only outcome I see is the destruction of the country. We will be unable to rebuild our country for the next fifty years.

Interviewer: Why do they want to destroy the country? Do they hate the Syrians merely for being Syrians?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: No. Let's be candid. What choices does the international community have with regard to the Syrian revolution? Either they find a faction that can safeguard the border with Israel – and they will not find such a faction – or else they destroy this country for the next fifty years.


Regarding the factions that the West wants to classify as terrorist organizations – the Nusra Front – we believe that we can conduct a dialogue with them.

Interviewer: About what?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: About the shape of the future state, about the possibility of establishing a state that will suit everybody. We should cooperate and conduct a dialogue. It is no secret that we have ties with everybody, even the brothers in the Nusra Front, and we cooperate in many places.


Interviewer: What form of state do you support?

Abd Al-Baset Tawila: In all candidness, I would like to see a civilized state, with Islamic law. Let me give you an example. We would like our army, in the future, to have a clear Islamic nature.


I give the international community one month to provide the rebels and the FSA with weapons and ammunition, so that we can defeat this criminal regime. We give them one month. If we see that the international community continues to desert our revolution, we will reveal all the evidence we have [about use of chemical weapons]. I think you know full well that I mean what I say.


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