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Nov 24, 2023
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Miami Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi: We Cannot Go Back To Pre-October 7 And Trust The Jews; Establishing Shari'a Law Is Freedom For Mankind, Humanity; Oh Allah, Shake The Ground Beneath The Feet Of The Plundering Jews

#10728 | 03:10
Source: Online Platforms - "Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah North Miami on Facebook"

Florida Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi said in a November 24, 2023 Friday sermon at the Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah North Miami, streamed live on Facebook, that Gaza has "revived the heart of the Islamic nation." He said that Muslims cannot go back to prior to October 7, they cannot think they "trust these people," referring to the Jews, who have broken their agreements with Moses, Jesus, and the Prophet Muhammad. Dr. Kablawi continued to say that the establishing the Shari'a of Allah is the only freedom for Mankind and humanity. He prayed to Allah to support the Palestinians against the "tyrannical Jews" and to "bring annihilation upon the Zionists."

Dr. Kablawi, who is a dentist, immigrated to the United States from Jordan. For more information about him, see MEMRI TV clips Nos. 8810, 8752, 8063, 8136, 8389, and 8404.

Dr. Fadi Kablawi: "When we say Gaza has revived the heart of our nation, we are not exaggerating. But we need to keep that mindset.


"We need to also understand... [It is] time for us to start believing in Allah, believing in Allah's words about these people. They will never, ever fulfill their agreement with you. They did it with the Prophet Muhammad, before that, they did it with Moses, they did it with Jesus, and they did it with Muhammad, and they have been doing it with the Islamic nation since then and until today.


"My major warning to myself, and to everybody, is that we go back to prior to October 7... Isn't this 'October 7' bugged our heads with? October 7, October 7... that we can go back to what happened before October 7, to think that we can trust these people, to think that these people will not do it again, to think that these people are going to leave our land, to think that these people are not [going to be] oppressive, to think...


"We, as Muslims, need to keep our mind and our eyes towards the prize — as I always say. From the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea. And I am not even talking about the sea. A lot of people think 'from water to water' — 'from the River to the Sea...'

"We want the whole Muslim world free, not only Palestine. We want Egypt free. We want Jordan free. We want Syria free. We want Morocco free. We want Pakistan free. We want Bangladesh free. We want Dagestan free. We want Chechnya free. We want every Muslim land... Malaysia, Indonesia, all these lands... Saudi Arabia and the Gulf — all these lands must be freed and [returned] back to the religion of Muhammad. That is real freedom.


"Servants of Allah, the real freedom for a Muslim is when the shari'a of Allah is established, the way Allah wants. That is not only freedom for us Muslims, but that is freedom for Mankind, for humanity.


"Oh Allah, support our brothers in Palestine against the tyrannical Jews. Oh Allah, support our brothers in Gaza against the tyrannical Jews. Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the Zionists, for they are no match for You. Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon them for they are no match for You. Oh Allah, shake the ground under their feet. Oh Allah, shatter their unity, disperse their gathering, and make their hearts quake."

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