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Mar 06, 2020
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Former Hizbullah Secretary-General Subhi Al-Tufayli: Fighting in Idlib alongside Putin's Crusader Army Is Forbidden by the Shari'a

#7862 | 01:33
Source: Online Platforms - "Tufayli on YouTube"

Subhi Al-Tufayli, the first Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hizbullah, said in a video that he uploaded to his YouTube channel on March 6, 2020 that anybody who attacks Idlib and kills its children is partner to those who killed the children of Imam Hussein in Karbala, and he added that if this person dies, he will have died in service of disbelief and injustice. Al-Tufayli said that this is forbidden by the shari'a.

Subhi Al-Tufayli: "Every person who is fighting in Syria under Putin's flag, in the service of Putin's military, and in cooperation with Putin and his military is a soldier in a Crusade against the children, homes, and lands of the Muslims. Therefore, such a person is fighting against the Muslims. I swear to you, whoever attacks the people of Idlib in Syria and kills its children is a partner to those who killed the children of Imam Hussein in Karbala.


"Anybody who goes to fight in Idlib is fighting in the service of Putin and in a Crusade. Anybody who dies there will lose this worldly life as well as the afterlife since he will have died in service of disbelief and injustice. This is forbidden by the shari'a. By Allah, fighting alongside Putin in Syria is one of the biggest crimes there can be."

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