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Sep 16, 2017
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Fatah Official Salwa Hudaib: Our Leaders Were Tricked into Signing Oslo Accord; We Are Not Bound by It

#6227 | 02:09
Source: Alfalstiniah TV (Palestinian Authority)

Fatah Revolutionary Council member Salwa Hudaib said that the Oslo Accords had destroyed Jerusalem. "I say, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Fatah movement, that we are not bound by the Oslo Accords, because these accords no longer exist on the ground," she declared, speaking on the Palestinian Authority's Alfalstiniah TV channel on September 16. "Our leaders were tricked into signing some of the articles," she said, adding that Israel "is known for its deception, its treachery" and "regularly avoids implementing agreements."


Interviewer: "Has the Palestinian leadership ever officially declared that it is no longer bound by the Oslo Accords?"


Salwa Hudaib: "The Vienna Convention stipulates that if any party breaches an agreement, that agreement becomes null and void. Israel did not implement the agreement within five years, and it continued its activities of settlement, of Judaization, of deportation, killings, and oppression, and only intensified its occupation and settlements, and therefore, we are not bound by the Oslo Accords. President Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas] has not declared this officially, except for when he said, during the [2017] Al-Aqsa Uprising, that we were halting the [security] coordination and all bilateral relations with the Israelis. This started on July 14th, 2017, and it continues to this day. In addition, the popular resistance has intensified. So we are not bound by the Oslo Accords. I say, on my own behalf and on behalf of the Fatah movement, that we are not bound by the Oslo Accords, because these accords no longer exist on the ground."




Interviewer: "So you believe that the Oslo Accords destroyed Jerusalem."


Salwa Hudaib: "Yes, that's right."


Interviewer: "Indirectly..."


Salwa Hudaib: "And directly."


Interviewer: "History will judge those who signed these accords..."


Salwa Hudaib: "Even the architect of the Oslo Accords, brother [Ahmed] Qurei Abu Alaa, said that this was an unforgivable catastrophe for Jerusalem. It is clear that our leaders were tricked into signing some of the articles. The international legal advisors did not have full knowledge of what was going on. Israel is known for its deception, its treachery... It is known for its violation of treaties... It regularly avoids implementing agreements. We should have been stronger when dealing with the issue of Jerusalem."

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