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Oct 05, 2015
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Egyptian TV Host to Stand Trial after Admitting to Watching Porn

#5124 | 05:25
Source: Al-Kahera Wal-Nas TV (Egypt)

A lawsuit was brought against Egyptian actress and TV host Intisar after she admitted in passing to watching pornography and recommended it for single men. Intisar made the statements during an October 7 show on the Egyptian Al-Kahera Wal-Nas TV channel, when she said that this should be an individual choice. A few days later she came under fire from other TV hosts, with Tamer Amin, on Rotana Misriya TV, calling the conversation "the epitome of garbage" and Azmi Mogahed, on Al-Assema TV, saying that she must have been under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

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