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Jul 13, 2010
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Egyptian Professor of Islam Mahmoud Muhammad Mazru'a: The Freemasons Are an Obscure, Terrorist, Jewish Organization Striving to Help Global Judaism Take Over the World

#2586 | 02:08
Source: Al-Nas TV (Egypt)

Following are excertps from an interview with Egyptian professor of Islam Mahmoud Muhammad Mazru’a, which aired on Al-Nas TV on July 13, 2010:

Mahmoud Muhammad Mazru’a: Freemasonry is as association, and as such, it is very difficult to understand what it really is. First of all, it is an obscure association. Wherever you read about them, you see that they form an obscure association. It is an obscure, terrorist, Jewish, non-religious association, which tries, with all its might, to separate people from their religious beliefs, and to turn them into servants, who accomplish the Freemasons' covert goals.


Their main goal, from which all their goals are derived, is to enable global Judaism to take over all the countries of the world, and to control the resources of all the countries and people of the world.


They have other goals: Destroying the religions, destroying moral values and proper behavior, spreading strife between peoples and nations, destabilizing the legal systems in other countries, pitting the different sects one against the other.


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