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Apr 12, 2011
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Egyptian Presidential Candidate Muhammad Ali Bilal Supports Amendments to the Camp David Accord

#2895 | 57
Source: Mehwar TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with retired general Muhammad Ali Bilal, an Egyptian presidential candidate, which aired on Mehwar TV on April 12, 2011:

Interviewer: As a man of the military, what is your position on the Camp David Accords?

Muhammad Ali Bilal: Whoever says he wants to abolish the Camp David Accords is not really a politician.

Interviewer: How about amending it?

Muhammad Ali Bilal: That I support.

Interviewer: You would do that?

Muhammad Ali Bilal: Yes, but we could do this only if we become strong and our voice is heard.

Interviewer: You mean when Egypt is strong…

Muhammad Ali Bilal: Yes, so that our voice is heard. But as long as we are weak and continue to talk and talk, nobody will listen to us.


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