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Dec 25, 2018
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Poem Recited in a Münster, Germany Shiite Mosque: We Have Pledged Allegiance to Khamenei; We Are Accused of Terrorism and Are Proud of It (Archival)

#7442 | 02:26
Source: Online Platforms - "Imam Mahdi Zentrum on Facebook"

On December 25, 2018 a video of a ceremony at the Imam Mahdi Zentrum Shiite mosque in Münster, Germany was uploaded to the mosque's Facebook page. A man recited a poem with the lyrics: "[Oh Mahdi,] our hearts [and] our swords are with you… [The fate of] our children, our women, and the men of the Lord [is] laid upon your threshold… The soil of Yemen has been watered with their blood in the confrontation with the Zionists and the takfiris… In Syria and Iraq, we have written in blood that victory is coming… [We strive] for martyrdom on the day of glory… Death in your cause is the gate to Heaven… We have pledged our allegiance to the Jurisprudent Ruler [Khamenei]. We are soldiers willing to sacrifice our lives for Nasrallah. We belong to the party of [Khomeini]… We have been accused of being terrorists - we are proud of terrorism… We are the Shiites [and] we will only die free."

Following are excerpts:


Recitation: [Oh Mahdi], our hearts are with you, and our swords are with you. We place our lives in your hands. Our children, our women, and the men of the Lord – their fate is laid upon your threshold. The soil of Yemen has been watered with their blood in the confrontation with the Zionists and the takfiris. We have sacrificed [some of] our most previous offspring. In Syria and Iraq, we have written in blood that victory is coming. We have adhered to our loyalty in spite of the hardship, striving for martyrdom on the day of glory. Oh Mahdi, death in your cause is the gate to Heaven. Walking in your path is a great honor. We will not scream: "If only we were with you." We will say from today: "We are with you." In Syria of Zaynab, we are with you. We are with you in Yemen and in Iraq. We will be with you wherever you go.




We have pledged our allegiance to the Jurisprudent Ruler [Khamenei]. We are soldiers willing to sacrifice our lives for Nasrallah ["Victory of Allah"]. We belong to the party of Ruhollah [Khomeini]. We have been accused of being terrorists – we are proud of terrorism. Listen all nations! Listen, oh Wahhabis! The roaring Arab wave will never retreat. The convoys will not wait long with their march. We will not come to you in small numbers. We will come to you from all over. The brigades will cross [the border] from Yemen, and we will pray in Al-Baqi regardless of the [Sunni] Nasibis. We are the Shiites of Ali Bin Abu Taleb, and will only die free.

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