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Mar 27, 2017
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Friday Sermon in Canada by Imam Munir Elkassem following Westminster Bridge Terror Attack: Attacking Civilians Is a Crime against Humanity and against Allah

#5976 | 01:34
Source: Online Platforms

Imam Munir Elkassem, speaking at the Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario, said that "attacking civilians, no matter where they are – this is a crime against humanity" and "a crime against Allah." In a Friday sermon delivered in the wake of the car-ramming terror attack on Westminster Bridge, London, U.K., Imam Elkassem said that the attacker "has nothing to do with Islam," and added that: "Islam is not only for Jamal, Islam is not only for Ahmad. Islam is for Joe, and Islam is for Mike." The sermon was posted on the SWO Islamic Centre's YouTube account on March 27, 2017.

Munir Elkassem: "We need to understand that the mayor of London is a Muslim, Sadiq Khan, while the attacker happened to be Khalid Masood, but he has nothing to do with Islam. Anything that happens in the streets of Damascus, of Baghdad, or of Yemen, has nothing to do with Islam. Attacking civilians, no matter where they are – even if they are in Paris, or in London, or in Ottowa, or in Montreal... Attacking civilians, no matter where they are – this is a crime against humanity. Not only is it a crime against humanity, but it is a crime against Allah.


"We ask Allah to make the Muslims strong, to defend their identity, and to defend their Islam – the right Islam – and to tell humanity that Islam has come to protect five identical issues that we all need, necessary issues that we all need. Islam is not only for Jamal, Islam is not only for Ahmad. Islam is for Joe, and Islam is for Mike. They are waiting for you to tell them what Islam is, because if they know what Islam is, I would say that they will all become Muslims."

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